Chapter 16

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(Just a warning that this chapter contains sexual content)

Newt POV:

Tommy is a runner?! Tommy can't be a runner it's too dangerous and if he gets lost then he won't survive and I will loose him AND Minho!

Panic filled my body, I couldn't loose him.

For the first time in a long time, I have felt that I might not be a complete waste of space. Maybe Tommy really does love me.

But I will never be good enough for him. He deserves so much better. I'm pathetic.

I stand up off Tommy's hammock and take a deep breath.

They would be gone by now.

I walk out of Tommy's tent and start to make my way down to the fields when I hear footsteps behind me.

No! No please no!

"So you were with your boyfriend last night huh? Did you guys have a nice fuck?" Gally said sarcastically and I turned around to face him.
"Why do you care where I bloody sleep?" I snapped.
Gally walked closer to me, causing me to take a step back. I could feel myself start to tremble but I had to keep it under control.
"Because, Newt, you know exactly why. I will kill every one you love one by one, then you. You're a fucking worthless faggot" he spat and stepped closer to me, I tried to step back but my back hit a tree.

Oh no, please no no no no.

"Now listen here, Newt, you're going to get your pretty little self into my tent right now" he whispered, pressing his body against mine. I felt him grind his hips against mine, causing me to let out a whine.

I'm still so sore, so so sore.

"Gally, p-please no. I'm still in so m-much pain from last t-time." I frantically whispered as he continued to grind his hips against mine.
"Last time? Last time was a few days ago Newt" he growled pressing himself closer to me.

I wanted to cry out for help, but I couldn't.

"G-Gally, no p-please" I whispered trying to push him off me, it was hopeless. He was almost double the size of me and had double the strength.

"Get yourself into my tent now, or I will snap your pretty little neck in half and leave you for your precious boyfriend to find" he whispered into my ear.

Tears had made their way into my eyes and I tried to frantically blink them away.

Tommy, please, please come save me.

I took in a deep shaky breath. I knew I couldn't win.
"O-ok" I whispered, I felt so sick. I knew what was coming.
"That's a good boy" he whispered, grabbing me by my hair, a small yelp of pain left my lips.

"Move!" He yelled as he pushed me towards the tent. My limp was really hurting and I was struggling to stay upright. Pain was shooting through every part if my body.

He pushes me into the tent, him following then he closes the door.

Terror fills my body, I start to shake uncontrollably. I can't do this.

I don't know what to do.

Suddenly he pushes me down on his hammock, me underneath him and starts to forcefully kiss me. I struggle underneath his body. Tears were falling from my eyes now.

"Newt, if you know what's good, I suggest you kiss me back" he growled, forcing himself into me again.

I kissed back, I felt so terrible but I knew it would be worse if I didn't. He started to grind his hips against mine and I let out a gasp of pain.

It hurts, so so badly.

He slipped his hands under my shirt, pulling it off. Then doing the same for himself.
I was trembling, under him, uncontrollably now.

He slipped his fingers into the loops of my pants, slipping them off. I let out a cry and more tears started to fall. I was left in only my boxers.

He slipped his pants off, then started to 'touch' me.
I covered my face with my hands as he continued to Palm me. Small cries slipped from my lips.

This was too much. I thought I would be used to it now but every time I just get more and more afraid.

He then slipped off his boxers, doing the same with mine.

I continued to cover my face, I couldn't let out any yells.

Before I could do anything he flipped me over, then the pain came.

The burning pain, it was almost unbearable. I gripped the sides of the hammock as he continued to thrust into me.

He started to pick up the pace and I was ready to throw up. The pain was terrible.

Every thrust hurt more than the last. I could hear him making discussing noises, I didn't even try to stop the tears from falling.

My lungs hurt from the deep breaths and my knuckles had turned white from gripping the hammock.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and dragged his fingernails down my back.

I let out a groan of pain.

"If you don't shut the fuck up I will fucking gag you do you understand!?" He spat with a deep thrust which caused a gasp to leave my lips.
"That's it!" He yelled, pulling himself out of me and walking over to the pile of clothes on the floor.

The air in my lungs wasn't enough, no matter how much I took in it felt like it just want enough.

I just want my Tommy.

"Sit up!" Gally yelled, causing me to flinch.
I slowly sat up, pain shot through my body. Everything burned and ached.

He grabbed a piece of cloth and tied it around my mouth. Tears continued to fall.

"Give me your wrists!" He snarled as he grabbed my wrists, tying them together with rope then pushing me down and tying them above my head.

I couldn't move my hands. I couldn't call for help. I could hardly breathe.

"Now where were we?" He whispered into my ear. He put my legs on his shoulders, positioned himself and thrusted into me once again. I let out a scream but it came out muffled because of the gag.

I tried to free my hands but the rope was too tight and was starting to burn my wrists. I threw my head back as he continued to thrust. My back arched and I couldn't stop shaking. Gally didn't stop.

I was starting to loose consciousness. I couldn't breath properly because of the gag and everything was starting to go fuzzy.

I couldn't do this anymore.

Suddenly the room started to spin and everything went black.

A little bit of hope (Newtmas fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now