Chapter 3

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(Hello again! I really hope you're  enjoying the story so please feel free to comment what you think! And also I'd like to just take the opportunity to say that THE SCORCH TRIALS IS BLOODY AMAZING! Ok thank you enjoy)

Thomas POV

I set off into the Forrest area that I saw Newt go into and start to slightly regret that decision. I have no idea where I'm going and I really am not in the mood to get killed by some sort of crazy creature. I start to head further into the Forrest when I hear a voice. Instantly I freak the hell out and almost trip over my own feet but as I listen in more I can hear that the voice is...crying? And I know that voice, that's Newt.

I slowly follow the voice and catch some if what he was saying.
"P-please s-s-stop I c-can't do this a-a-anymore" he cries and I instantly want to run over to him and hug him but I know better than that, I think.

I take a few steps closer and can see two people, one being Newt but the other had his back to me. Newt is being pined against a tree by this boy.
"Listen here you useless shank, I will end you faster than you can say your own name and I won't regret anything" the other person says and I can slightly recognise the voice.
"No, I just, I c-can't put on a b-brave face a-a-anymore, it h-hurts too much" I here Newt whimper and the other boy slap him across the face. Newt falls to the ground, holding his right cheek and whipping his eyes.

"HEY!" I yell, not knowing what took over me but ok let's go with it, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!"
"Oh yeah ok and what makes you think that you can tell me what to do?" The boy says turning around and I can now see who it is, Gally.

Before I knew what was happening, Gally picked up Newt from the ground and threw him into me, causing us both to fall to the floor, Newt on top of me, his face only inches away from mine.

Newt quickly got up and brushed himself off and I did the same. I turned around to find that Gally was nowhere to be found.

"T-Tommy, w-why did you help me?" He whispered, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes.
"Because I couldn't just watch him hurt you like that, how long has he been doing that too you"
"Tommy I'd really r-rather not talk about it"
"Newt, please tell me"
He looked into my eyes and I saw just how broken he really was. He wasn't the smile that he always showed.

"A long time" he says, blinking away the tears that threatened to fall.
"Does he do anything else to you?"
I saw Newt visibly tense up at my question.
"T-Tommy I'd really rather n-not talk about it"
And with that he walked off further into the Forrest but I saw that his limp had worsened, the fall must have hurt it more.
I wasn't giving up, so I followed him.

"Newt, c'mon please I just want to help"
"If you want to help Tommy then I suggest you get yourself back to the bloody bonfire and leave me alone"

I looked into his eyes again but this time he looked away. I see so much sadness in them.

"Ok, fine" I say and walk back to see Chuck still sitting where I left him.

"Hey! So did you find Newt?"
"Yeah I found him"
"Ok" he said and I silently thanked him for not asking more questions.
I want to help Newt, and I will.

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