Chapter 17

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Thomas POV:

"C'mon, it's time to get back. The doors will close soon" I heard Minho say through deep breaths.

I continued to follow him, mapping what I could and trying to remember little details.

Finally, I spotted the opening to the glade, we ran towards it.

I couldn't wait to see Newt and just hug him.

We continued to run but Minho had said that we must go directly to the map room.

We ran to the map room and went inside. Minho picked up a box containing paper and pencils.

"Ok let's get this done" he said handing me some paper to write down any little mental notes I had taken.

After we wrote everything down and out everything away it was time for us to go.

I just telly wanted to see Newt.

I walked out the map room and noticed that Gally was standing against the door.
"What do you want?!" I yelled, I swear every time I go somewhere that shank is there.

"Oh nothing nothing" he said with a smirk.
"Where's Newt?!" I said, panic rising.
"I don't know" Gally replied and with that he walked off with a laugh.

Oh no. No no no no please no!

I ran to my tent and saw that he wasn't there. I then ran towards the fields and saw that he wasn't working there either.


I ran towards Gallys tent and almost threw up when I saw what was there.

Newt was lying, unconscious in only his boxers with a gag in his mouth and his hands tied above his head, on Gallys hammock.

"Newt! No no no Newt!" I whispered frantically.
His body was full of bruises and new scratches. His cheeks were tear stained and his hair was a mess.

Tears moister in my eyes. He looked so broken and small. I quickly took off the gag and saw that there was now a cut on his upper lip. His lips were also bright pink and slightly swollen. I untied his wrists and placed them down gently at his sides. His chest was rising and falling ever so slightly.

"Newt, please. Wake up Newt I'm here, it's Tommy" I whispered, looking at his pale, bruised face.

I ran a finger softly down his cheek and felt that they were still damp from his tears. I leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

I didn't know wether to stay with him or go get the medjacks. I held his hand and rubbed small circles.

After 15 minutes I was starting to really freak out. I was just about to stand up and get the medjacks when I heard a small groan.
"Newt?" I whispered looking at him.
"Tommy, it hurts, s-so much" he whispered, opening his eyes sadly.

They are red, puffy and bloodshot. My heart shattered.
"It's ok, you're going to be ok" I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.
"Gally did this, didn't he?" I whispered and Newt gave small nod, then cringed.

"Do you want to go to my tent?" I whispered and he gave another small nod. Then the problem presented itself. How an I supposed to get him there?

I looked down at the broken boy to see that tears had started to fall from his eyes.

"Newt, I'm here now. I'm so sorry I should have never left you alone" I whisper.

"It's o-ok" he whispers sadly.

I had to get him out of here. I couldn't lift him by myself.


"Just wait here I'll be back in a second. I'm just going to get Minho ok?" I whispered and Newts eyes widened in fear.
"It's ok, he will understand" I whisper, Newt looked like he didn't even have any energy left to respond.

I quickly make my way out the tent and spotted Minho a few meters away talking to Alby.
"Minho! I need you help with something, it's really important" I say trying to sound as casual as possible.

Inside I'm freaking the fuck out.

"Uh, sure Thomas what is the problem?" Minho responds confusedly and I grab him by the arm towards the tents.

"Thomas?! What's going on?" He asks, concern filling his voice.

"Minho I'm freaking out. I just found Newt, he was in Gallys tent and he was gagged and his hands were tied and he was uncouncious. He has woken up but he looks really pale and he's in only his boxers I'm freaking out I need to get him into my tent and I need your help!" I say not even trying to hide my panic.

Minhos eyes had widened.
"So did Gally..." Minho trailed off but I knew what he was trying to say.
"He raped Newt" I whispered. Minho ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep breath.

"How bad is Newt?"
"He couldn't even sit up" I whisper and Minho shakes his head.
"How are we going to get him to my tent?" I ask.

"You said he's just in his boxers right? So let's go dress him first, then we can sneak him out" Minho said with a sigh.

I guess that's the best plan.

"Minho, he looks pretty bad" I whisper as he starts to walk towards Gallys tent.

"I'm dreading seeing him like that" Minho whispers back.

A little bit of hope (Newtmas fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora