Chapter 23

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Thomas POV:

I slipped the fabric down Newts pants and he let out a pain filled scream.
He gripped onto me tighter and buried his head into my shoulder.
He was trembling more and he let out more whimpers and pain filled screams. Someone would hear him soon.

I pulled out the fabric and saw that it was soaked in blood. I needed to do this more than once.
"Newt, I need to do it again" I whispered but Newt shock his head furiously.
"N-no Tommy, it h-hurts" he whimpered and my heart shattered.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE!" I heard someone yell. I look over to see a half dressed Minho standing at the door.
"Why is Newt screaming!? What's happening!?" He frantically said, looking me in the eyes.

"Minho! I need your help! Newt is still bleeding and I'm trying to disinfect the injury but I can't hold him and do it at the same time" I said, looking at Minhos concerned face.

"What can I do to help?" He asked and I sigh in relief.
"You hold him and I'll slip this down his pants." I say, holding up a new piece of fabric.
"You need to stand him up" Minho whispered and I knew he was right, it would be a lot easier.
Slowly I stood Newt up, trying to balance him as best as I could.

Newt looked up at Minho, his cheeks were tear stained and his hair was a mess. I saw Minhos eyes fill with sorrow at the sight of his friend.
"It's going to be ok, Newt just hold onto Minho" I whisper and Newt does. He wraps his arms around Minhos torso and Minho held Newt tightly, rubbing his back softly.

I took in a deep breath, time to do it again. 
"Ok, ready?" I whisper and slip the fabric down Newts pants again.
Another scream tore through Newts lips as he trembled and held onto Minho. I felt so terrible, but this is the only way.

"Shhhh, Newt I've got you. It's ok shhh" Minho tried to soothe Newt but it was useless. Newt struggled against Minhos grip, trying to get away but failing. Minho was a lot stronger than him. He continued to struggle and more whimpers were heard.

I pulled out the cloth and saw that there was less blood, but it still needed one more shot.
"I have to do it again, once more" I say looking to Minho who looked on the verge of tears.

"Thomas can't we leave it? Newts about to collapse" Minho whispered but I shock my head.
"We have to, it's for his health" I whisper back sadly. I wish I could just leave it.

"Newt, this is the last time ok? No more after this" I whisper but Newt immediately starts to struggle again.
"N-no! Please n-no mo-more! T-Tommy it hurts!" Newt cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

I felt like someone had just ripped my heart out of my chest. Newt was gripping onto Minho so tight and looked like he was about to collapse.

"Just, one more I promise" I whispered and Newt let out a small whine.
"Ok, one, two, three" I whispered slipping the fabric back down Newts pants.

Minho held onto a panicking Newt but suddenly he went limp.
"Thomas!" Minho yelled and I immediately pulled the fabric out.
"Newt? Newt?! Please no Newt!" I frantically whispered.

Why didn't I just stop? Why?!

"Minho, lie him down on the hammock." I whispered and Minho did just that.
Newt looked so tired, his tear stained cheeks were flushed and his breathing was shallow.

"Minho" I whispered, looking down at Newt who was now unconscious, again.

"Thomas, this has to stop. I don't care if Gally ends up killing me but this needs to stop" he says gesturing to Newt.

We waited for around 10 minutes when I saw Newt start to stir.
"Newt? Newt! It's ok" I whisper to a sleepy, pain filled Newt who was looking up at me sadly.
"What h-happened?" He whispered and I looked over to Minho.
"You passed out" Minho whispered back and Newt closed his eyes, sighing.

"I think we will just leave the disinfectant for now, you've been through enough love" I whisper, moving a price of hair from his face. Newt nodded slightly in return.

"Well, I'm going back to bed, if you need anything come get me ok?" Minho said and we both nodded.
"Goodnight Minho" Newt whispered and Minho nodded, walking out of the tent.

I look down at the broken boy and I let out a small sigh.
"Let's get some sleep" I whisper, walking around so I can get in behind him and hug him.

I wrap my arms around Newt and place a small kiss on his neck.
"I love you" I whisper.
"I l-love you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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