Chapter 7

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Newts POV:

I can't believe it. Thomas never really cared. A fuck buddy?
I can feel my chest start to tighten. I just want to cry. Why doesn't anyone care? All I want is someone to care.

I walk into the Forrest and find a large tree and sit down, leaning my back against it. I had actually started developing feelings for Tommy, but it seems that he only wanted one thing, and it wasn't a relationship. The tears start to fall and I lean my head back against the tree and let them fall.

Why didn't that jump just kill me?

I'm so tired. I'm so so tired. Last night Gally had his way. He hurt me, in more ways than one. It still hurts so much. My arms and legs hurt from struggling, my chest burns from the deep breaths. My heart hurts from thinking that there may have been someone who cared. Minho only knows about Gally hitting me, not that he.. Yeah.

I bring my knees up to my chest but that causes a small scream of pain to leave my lips. I feel so pathetic.

Thomas POV:

I heard a small scream and I knew straight away that was Newt. I follow the sound until I see him sitting against a tree, his head leaning back with his eyes closed.

"Uh, Newt" I whisper as softly as I could but that doesn't stop him from jumping.
"What d-do you want Tommy, I'm not interested in being your fuck buddy."  He whispered, shuffling away from me.
"No, Newt I-"
"Tommy I don't want to hear it ok. I've had enough of people using me for... For stuff that I don't want to do" he whispered the last part, looking directly at me with stern eyes.
"Newt, I didn't ask Gally to get you ok, he went himself and I didn't say anything about you being my fuck buddy, I would never force you to do anything that you don't want to do"

Newt looked up at me, his eyes wide.
"What did Gally tell you" he asked sharply.
"Uhhhhh, he just said some stuff"
"Tommy, what stuff"
"That you were, I mean that you are.. Gay"
He froze, his mouth slightly open and a flash of fear spread on his face.
"He said- wait he knows, you know, he said that-"
"Newt, it's ok" I said, sitting beside him.
"You're not, I mean you're not going to, hurt, me" he said looking down.
"What! No! I would never hurt you! Especially for being gay. I'm, I am gay too" I said and his head shot up to look at me.
"You're, gay?" He whispered and I nodded.

We sat in silence for a few seconds before I spoke.
"Newt, Gally said some things to me, things about you and I just need to know. What does he do to you?"

He took a deep, shaky breath.
"He-" he took another deep breath, I could see that this was really hard for him but I just needed to know.

"Newt, does Gally, rape you?" I whisper, looking into his brown eyes. He looks down and his body starts to tremble.
"Newt, does he?"
He didn't answer, he only gave a small nod.

I knew it, that asshole.

"Newt, how long has he been doing it for? Why? How often?" I couldn't help but let the questions fly out. I can't believe that I have heard it for myself.

Newt looked up at me, his eyes filed with tears.
"He- He's been doing it f-for about a year. I don't k-know w-why, he j-just does. Ever since I refused to tell him if I w-was gay he just, does it."
He took another shaky breath.
"How often does he do that to you?"
"A-almost everyday" he whispered, tears falling. He tries to blink them away but there are just too many.

"And he hits you" I whisper to him. He nods in response.
"He m-mainly hits me w-when I'm 'not g-good enough' for h-him" he whispered and that's when he broke. He couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Sobs slipped from his lips and I could see that he was trying to cover his face with his hands.

"Newt.." I whispered but he just kept sobbing. It's clear that he'd been holding this in for a long time. I noticed that he has bruises along his neck. How haven't I noticed that?

I looked a little closer to see that there were bruises on his jawline and a small one on his cheek.

"There's bruises, on your neck" I whispered and he looked over to me sadly.
"I know. There's m-more, I j-just c-cover them up" he whispered and that broke my heart. How bad are they?

"Can I- um- can I see them?" I asked and Newt almost flinched away before slowly nodding.

He tries to take his hoddie off but let's out a small groan of pain. There's no way he could get that off.
"Do you want me to, help?" I offer but Newt freezes up.
"I promise I won't, do anything to you" I say and I see him relax a little bit.
"Ok" he whispered and I begin to take off his hoddie, leaving him in just his singlet. I can see already that his arms are covered in bruises and scratches.

I slowly take off his singlet and what I see makes me want to cry.

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