Chapter Two

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Madeline returns to the table with her face washed and a smile on her face.

"What took so long?" asks Ringo, who ss dishing out pie.

"Oh, I had Eva," says Madeline slowly. "Because...Connor has to take the bus because his car broke down. So I needed a ride."

"I thought Eva was in France," says Ringo with a frown.

"She is," says Madeline quickly, silently cursing herself for mentioning that. "I'll figure something out after desert."

"Well, I've got to go pick up Mo now," says Ringo, putting his plate on the counter. "Bye, Maddie. Bye, mates."

"Later," says Paul with a half-salute. He scrapes some ice cream out of the bottom of the bowl. "Hey, boys, do you bachelors want to go to the bar with me tonight?"

"Sure," says George eagerly. "The Twin Moon?"

"That's the one," says Paul, waving his spoon at George. "I've got me eye on one of the bartenders."

George sighs. "It must be nice to have a crush."

Paul, who has stood up by now, rumples George's hair in a brotherly fashion. "You'll find someone. Come out. Coming, John?"

John looks up, apparently lost in thought. "Uh, no," he stammers. "N-No, no thanks. Thanks for asking."

"John's got a date!" sings Paul cheerfully, walking out the front door, George close behind.

"I do not!" John yells after them. He scowls angrily but his face softens as he turns to Madeline. "Uh, Maddie, you don't have a ride to the party, do you?"

Madeline blushes furiously. "It's none of your business," she says, turning to the dirty dishes.

John grasps her shoulder. "He dumped you, didn't he? That Bright idiot."

"I dumped him, yes."

"Same difference."

"Not the same difference," hisses Madeline. "It makes an entire world of difference."

"Let me drive you to the party," says John, almost pleading.

Madeline's shoulders slump under John's strong hand. "Fine."

"We'll have to leave soon," he persists. "Come on." His voice is soft, and he leads her out to the car.

Madeline's mind reels as they drive to the party. She can't go anyplace with John. Not without it meaning anything. John is her brother's best friend. Ringo's best friend. John calls her "Maddie" like Ringo, calls her "Maddie" like the way people did when she was little. He never calls her Madeline. He's Ringo's best friend. He's four years older than Madeline. Ringo will be furious when he finds out. She can't go anywhere with John Lennon.

But John is so kind to her...and anyway, one party couldn't hurt. She would have gone with Connor anyway. John's just a friend--more like Ringo's friend, but a friend nonetheless. And Madeline wouldn't be angry with Ringo if he went out with, say, her friend Zoey.

John and Madeline are only friends, and that is all...isn't it?

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