Chapter Twelve

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(okey dokey, peeps, hey, it's Molly, wazzup. Anyway, just writing in at the beginning of the chapter to tell you that this chapter takes place about a month after Eleven, on May 26th. I'm not sure if you guys are aware of the time we're talking about here, so I just wanted to update you ^^ And ze picture iz of ze Starkeys, Mr. Ringo Starr and his lovely wife Maureen)


"I can't, I'm going for dinner tonight," Madeline says to the phone apologetically.

"What do you mean? What dinner?" asks Amber's voice.

"Oh, you know, stuff with John. His book is released today and we're going to a dinner for it."

"You don't sound very excited."

"Of course I'm excited." Madeline twirls the phone cord around her finger. "What was that?"

"Nothing--ow, Mikey, make Jack to leave me alone!" There was a commotion on the other end and Jack's voice carries over the line.

"Hey, so, Madeline, you coming tonight?"

"As I just told Amber, no, I can't, I'm going out with John," she says irritably.

"Just 'cause you've a boyfriend doesn't mean you can skip out on us all the time," he says, and there's some pouting in his voice. "Honestly, I swear I won't hit on you."

"No, I can't go, we're going to a dinner." Madeline is angry now. "All right? I might be able to go next week, alright? But tonight, I have plans, so jeez, leave me alone!"

"Okay, I'm sorry we've disrupted your precious plans."


"No, hang on, Madeline, wait! Since you're not coming tonight, you've got to tell us. Are you going to accept University of Alabama?"

"Jack, I gotta go."

"You're going to accept, aren't you?"

"I'll call you guys tomorrow, and maybe we can figure something out for next week. See you later." She hangs up before Jack can say anything else. Biting her lip, she finally opens the door and finds herself face-to-face with her brother.

"You are going to accept, aren't you." He states a fact, but Madeline tries to evade.

"I haven't decided anything yet, and I'm sick and tired of people trying to figure out what I'm going to do," she says crossly.

"Look, Maddie," he says, trying to make amends. "I don't mind you moving out of the country. I mean, no--that's not what I meant. I love having you around, you know, but I mean, you did move in just to keep an eye on me and hang out, and, like, well obviously you did a lot of cooking and cleaning and all that, but, like, well, what I'm saying is you don't have to feel obliged to stay or anything. I mean, I have Mo and stuff now. Only, well, before you think I'm chasing you out or anything, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. Well, me and Mo."

Madeline sighs. "Ritchie, I only have five minutes before the cab arrives."

"I know. I mean--well--we can wait till dinner tomorrow, if you prefer..."

She holds up her hands. "No, it's fine. Shoot."

"Well, me and Mo were just wondering if you'd be the godmother of our baby."

Madeline is stunned. "Uh, what?"

"The godmother. For our baby. We're going to name it Katy if it's a girl and Zak if it's a boy. Would you?"

Madeline stares at him for a few seconds, a little slow on the uptake. "Yeah--yeah, sure. Of course I will. I mean--well, you do know that if I go to University of Alabama, I'm not going to be seeing it much."

"I know. And you know, in our family we don't really do godparents and all that, it's just in Mo's family. So, it's kind of a blend of our traditions--we'll have a godparent but they won't be as important. I mean, important, obviously, but--"

"I'd be honored," says Madeline with a grin. "Hey, Ritchie--I'm sorry we didn't tell you."

He waves this away. "It's fine, Maddie. You were right. I'm just your brother, and you've made it clear that you don't want me interfering with who you date and stuff. So it's no business of mine."

"Still, it was stupid to keep it a secret."

He shrugs. "Maybe. But John's pretty stupid at times, isn't he?"

Madeline laughs but doesn't reply. The doorbell rings and she says, "That'll be the cab. See you later."

"Have a fun night. Are you coming home?"

She groans. "Ritchie, you know how you just admitted that who I date isn't your business?"

"Um, yes, I do recollect something like that..."

"Well who I sleep with falls into that category."

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. See you later."

She grins at him. "Bye."

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