Chapter Seven

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John looks across the table at the pretty--no, stunning--girl across the table from him. The blue eyes are the same as her brother's, but the simularities end there. Her chocolatey brown hair falls in waves over her shoulders, and her is soft and positively glows in the warm light. Every time he looks up, John falls for her all over again.

"You're looking at me weirdly again," Madeline says dryly.

"Sorry," says John. "I just can't get over how beautiful you are."

Madeline blushes, and John's pleased to see it. He's glad to know that she thinks his compliment worth blushing at rather than scowling at.

"So, how are the newlyweds?" he says, twirling his spaghetti with his fork.

"Fine, I guess," she says with a sigh.

John looks up at her again. "Is something wrong?"

"Well...not really." She hesitates. "Me and Ritchie have always been close, but now Mo's here and...I just feel like he thinks I'm a bother to have around. Like he's acting more like an annoying olde brother than my friend. Or that he thinks I'm just an annoying little kid."

He frowns. "But you're not annoying."

She sighs irritably. "But we're going out. You're not supposed to think I'm annoying. But Ritchie--he's my brother. And most of the time, brothers and sisters don't get along. We're the exception. And what about Mo? I'm just a little sister to her after all."

He shakes his head. "Madeline, don't worry about it. They both like you. Neither of them think you're annoying. And with the baby on the way, and us being out of town for the next few months...I mean--"

"No, it's fine, John," Madeline interrupts. "I get it. You'll be gone for the next two months."

"I don't want to go."

"I know."

They are silent for a few moments. Then John says, "I'll call you every night."

"Don't try yourself; you should focus on your acting."

John laughs. "Don't worry, Lester only cares about George. His little budding actor."

They are speaking of the band's next movie--after A Hard Day's Night, of 1964--"Eight Arms to Hold You." Unlike the former, the new movie would not be taking place in London. Instead the band would go on-location to places like the Bahamas over the next two months. John, Ritchie, Paul, and George would all be gone for that time, and Madeline would be staying in England with Mo and her unborn child.

They both twirl their spaghetti on their forks for a few moments. The restaurant has a quiet, mellow atmosphere, and as of now, they have not been attacked by any of John's fans. They have had a peaceful, quiet dinner, and now, both of them are lost in thought.

Madline was pondering what her elder brother would say when he found out who she was dating. Perhaps she would be safe until he returned from filming; but if John let something slip, and he found out, would he be angry? Would he return only to ignore Madeline? Would she be ignored once her brother returned? She can't imagine Ritchie being so mad at anyone, but perhaps this was different...

John, on the other hand, was regarding Madeline suspiciously. Would she stay loyal to him in the months to come? As usual with women--she was most certainly a woman; John did not agree with Ritchie that she was merely a girl--he had no idea what she was thinking. Would she abandon him the moment she was sure his plane was out of sight?

If she did, he wouldn't stand for it. He would never stand for this beauty to be someone else's. She was his, forever. 

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