Chapter Six

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Madeline holds very still as the stylist pins up her brown hair in different ways. The way John had been acting at Christmas...well, Madeline can't tell if he's not interested anymore, or if he's trying to make her jealous, by going out with Lyra Abbott. Madeline assumes that he's trying to make her jealous, because, after all, she didn't reciprocate his obvious implications of being more than just friends, and Madeline hates Lyra with a passion. But then again, Lyra is very pretty, and John could be going out with her just because.

Madeline mentally shrugs these thoughts off. Without any boyfriend she feels freer, much freer than when she was being held back by Connor. She's started checking boys out again, and she finds that it's fun trying to decide how to describe each of them. So-and-so has wide shoulders. This person has pale green eyes with flecks of gold. And things like that, without anyone saying she can't talk to boys, go near boys, or, in certain cases, be in the same room as boys.

Two months, it's been. Two months of freedom for Madeline. And that day, February 11th, is a very big day indeed--though not, perhaps, for Madeline.

She smooths her silky dress, which is a pale sky blue, very close to the color of Ritchie's eyes. She winces as her hair is yanked back once more, and then the stylist spins her around to look in the mirror.

She pats her hair hesitantly, as if it might shatter if she hit it too hard. Braids twist back into a ponytail in the back of her head, and curls fall down to her shoulders.

"It's beautiful," she tells the stylist. "Thank you very much."

The woman nods. "My pleasure, dear."

Her mother, Elsie Graves, is waiting for her in the lobby of Caxton Hall Register Office with Madeline and Ritchie's stepfather, Harry.

"Oh, sweet, you look wonderful," says Elsie, giving Madeline a hug. "Oh, please don't get married anytime soon. I want to keep one of my babies little, if only for a while."

"Don't worry, Mum, I haven't even got a boyfriend," she promises, pulling away gently. "Hullo, Harry."

"Hi, Maddie," he says fondly. "No boyfriend, huh? What happened to that young lad--er--Connor?"

Madeline shrugs and says, "Well, you two ought to take your seats. I expect we'll be starting soon."

"I expect so," agrees Harry, taking Elsie by the arm and leading her inside. Madeline looks at her parents for a moment, and then hurries away to join Mo. She passes John in the hallway, alone, which she thinks is odd because she thought he was bringing Lyra, but no matter: she is very nearly late, and there's no time to stop and ask nosy questions.

"Oh, there you are, Maddie," says Mo, pulling her inside."Good, she put your hair up properly. If she hadn't I'd've redone it, but I was worrying since you were going so late."

"It's fine," Madeline assures her. They wait in silence for nearly a quarter of an hour, and then Mo's father, Joseph Cox, arrives to take them to the ceremony.

Mo's eyes twinkle as Mo follows her into the Hall. Up at the front of the room, Ritchie is standing with George behind him as his best man. Maddie smiles encouragingly to him, as he's looking very nervous, and they proceed slowly up the aisle. Formalities are exchanged, and Madeline beams as she finds that she now has a sister-in-law--and a nephew or niece on the way.

The baby is a secret, for now. The Beatles and Madeline are some of the few people who know of it. Ritchie hasn't told Elsie yet, but he's planning to. Madeline bites her lip, wondering what September will bring.

After the wedding, everyone is mingling in the lobby. After a long exchange between Madeline and Ollie, one of Mo's friends, Madeline turns and is greeted by an impish face, with an angular nose and hazel eyes.

"Hullo, John," she says evenly. "I thought Lyra was going to come with you."

He shrugs it off. "I dumped her."

Madeline raises an eyebrow but does not comment. John continues.

"Your hair's pretty, you know."

Madeline smiles. "Mo said it was good enough not to be redone, anyway."

John returns her smile and reaches out for a lock of Madeline's hair, twisting it in between his fingers. "You know, Madeline, now that Lyra's not in the way, you could go out with me, if you like."

Madeline shrugs. "Perhaps we could try."


Madeline averts her eyes, but doesn't pull her hair out of John's grasp, though he has stopped playing with it. "Sometimes relationships don't go the way you think they're going to."

He laughs, and Madeline is only a little irritated that he doesn't take her seriously. "I know what you mean," he says. "So...your 'perhaps' is a yes?"


"Good," he says, and bends down, brushing his lips against hers. "I've been meaning to do that for a while, you know."

She smiles. "Bugger off, Lennon. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am." He bows mockingly and leaves, but Madeline bites her lip as she watches him go. Where was the John that had seemed nervous around her at Christmas? She thinks that the John that she just spoke with seems drunk, and too arrogant for her taste. But watching him stagger away, she wonders if he isn't a bit drunk. Still, the arrogance...

As I said, Madeline thinks to herself. Perhaps we will try.

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