Chapter Ten

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The fourteenth of May dawns clear and bright. The waves of the Irish sea beat against the rock and Madeline leans against John's chest.

"It's great that we came up at the same time," she says, referring to the fact that she was visiting her parents with Ringo and Mo at the same time as John was visiting his Aunt Mimi.

"I'm glad you're here," says John. His eyes are distracted as he gazes over the sea. "It's easier."

Madeline plays with the pebbles on the ground. John's mother is dead. That is what he refers to. And it hurts, she knows. It must hurt. And yet what can she do for it? She looks away.

"Hey, beautiful," says John with a forced smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm over it now. It just kind of comes back to me when I visit, you know?"

Madeline shrugs. He's not over it, and they both know it. What's the point of pretending? They sit in silence for a moment as John pulls her close and kisses the top of her head. After a time, they stand up and head back to Madeline's parents cottage.

They find themselves face to face with Ringo. His eyes are narrowed.

"What are you doing up here with my sister?"

"What's it look like we were doing?" asks John coolly. "We were looking at the sea."

"Looked like a lot more than just watching water to me."

"Well, there you go." John tries to dodge around his friend.

"Hold up!" he snaps, blocking the way. "How long has this been going on?"

Neither of them say anything.

"How long?!"

"Since February," says Madeline, stepping in front of John.

"So, you've been keeping a secret for three months."

"Just because we didn't tell you doesn't mean it's a secret," mutters John sullenly. "Frack off."

"Oh, so I'm supposed to frack off when I found out you're dating my sister?"

"You know, Ritchie, it's none of your business!" says Madeline irritably. "I don't see why this matters."

"Oh? It matters because he's too old for you, and he's a bastard when it comes to women!" growls Ringo.

"Excuse me?" John says, knocking Madeline aside.

"You heard me! What's happened to the last three, huh, Lennon? Abused and ran away. You think that's how I want my sister to be treated?"

Madeline steps in front of John again, effectively stopping him from having a go at her brother. "Cut it out, the two of you," she snaps. "Ritchie, it's no business of yours who I date--it never has been and it never will. John, I'd appreciate it if you didn't hit my brother."

John backs down immediately. Ringo looks like he wants to fight some more, but abruptly, he turns and storms away. Scowling, Madeline takes a few slow steps towards the cottage. John falls in step beside her and says, "It had to happen sometime."

"Indeed it did," she agrees. But the scowl does not leave her face.

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