Acornpaw: The Leader's Litter

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"Wake up, Acornpaw!"

Konnie felt uncomfortable with her new mentor, who was much more firm than Rosepetal.

"Why did Rosepetal have to get pregnant?" Konnie moaned. "She lets me sleep longer!"

"I'M your mentor." Cinderheart growled. "And me, Berrynose, and Cloudtail are taking our apprentices on a lesson about herbs."

"But we're not medicine cats!" Konnie pointed out. "We should be hunting or fighting!"

"If something happens to you are you are far away from a medicine cat, what are you going to do? What if the medicine cats are sick?" Cinderheart hissed. "You need to meet me halfway if you want to become a decent warrior, Acornpaw!"

"OK." Konnie sighed. She got up and saw Larry, Hollypaw, and their mentors waiting.

"Can't we fight?" Larry growled. "I'm not too short!"

"No, you will do what your mentor tells you!" Berrynose growled in frustration. "Unless you want to clean out the elder's den with Bigpaw!"

"No thanks!" Larry gasped.

"It's amazing that Bigpaw wasn't even asked to do it!" Hollypaw purred with admiration. "He just started doing it before most of us woke up! We should all be like Bigpaw!"

Konnie stiffened a growl and gritted her teeth at Hollypaw. Than she calmed down.

Why am I even upset about her admiration anyway? It's not like Kon and I are friends!

"Let's head out." Cloudtail said.

Cloudtail leaded the way to the forest. Leafpool was waiting for them.

"Hello Acornpaw, Beetlepaw, and Hollypaw." Leafpool ducked her head. "I'm here to show you the first things about herbs. First I'll show you Jayfeather's growing plants."


Did I hear something?

Konnie kept following the group till a claw tugged her back.

"Carrie?!" Konnie gasped as she turned around. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"You need to tell Jayfeather to treat my injuries!" Carrie hissed.

"But I thought he already did? Bramblestar must've sent one of the two to treat you after the battle!" Konnie said.

"Look! He clearly didn't!" Carrie showed Konnie long fresh scratches that were well infected.

"No! That's terrible, Carrie!" Konnie cried. "I'll tell Cinderheart that I'm going to Jayfeather!"

Konnie dashed away from Carrie's hiding spot and stopped behind Cinderheart.

"Acornpaw! Shouldn't you have listened to Leafpool the whole time?!" Cinderheart growled.

"No time to explain! I need to see Jayfeather!" Konnie gasped. "Please!"

"This better be important, go!" Cinderheart hissed. Konnie ran into the camp and stopped in front of Jayfeather, who was pulling a thorn out of Corey's paw.

"JAYFEATHER!" Konnie roared. Jayfeather jumped in shock and yowled, pulling out the thorn.

"OW!" Corey licked his bleeding paw and fell back. "What was that for?!"

"Are you OK, Corey?" Laney rushed to Corey's side.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Corey glared at Konnie. "What do you want?"

"Jayfeather! I saw-"


"That was Squirrelflight!" Blossomfall cried. "She's going to have her kits!"

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