Jayfeather and Beetlepaw: The Lovesick Escapee

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Jayfeather realized he was in a dream, he saw a beetle in the grass. He watched as it climbed to a hilltop, it took off into the dawn sky.

As he was watching it fly away, he saw Firestar walk to his side.

"Jayfeather, ThunderClan will lose more warriors. You will lose another clanmate, one who is still bitter."

"I can't think of any warrior who is bitter besides Spiderleg." Jayfeather huffed.

"I'm serious, ThunderClan will need you even more." Firestar snapped. "Goodbye Jayfeather."


It had been two days since Dovewing's kitting, and Larry couldn't be more bored. His heart broke with sadness as every sound of his friends, as they reminded him of his best friend and mate leaving him and all of them behind.

I wish she would've expected my kits before I was trapped in this god forsaken role, words cannot describe how much I miss her.


He was surprised to hear his twoleg name in so long and saw it was Kim, looking very sick.

"Oh no." Jayfeather hissed under his breath. "Not greencough again!"

"Greencough?" Larry and Kim asked at the same time.

"Chest infections, disease can spread like wildfire." Jayfeather explained, frantically looking for catmint. "Beetlepaw, do you see any catmint?"

"No, what does that look like again?"

"C'mon Beetlepaw, you can't possibly be useless at medicine cat duties too!"

Beetlepaw turned around and saw Poppyfrost giving him a bitter glare. He was confused why she of all cats was glaring at him when he remembered she was Berrynose's mate...till Carrie killed him.

I was his last apprentice, I know she couldn't think I killed him, but she thinks I let him down...no wonder she's so snappy.

"The Gathering is tonight." Jayfeather sighed. "It's not a good time for our Clan to catch greencough."

"Isn't this awesome?" Corey purred outside the den, with Burdenpaw right behind him. "Your first Gathering!"

Larry sighed as he saw the rest of the Grojcats with their apprentices, Laney excitedly telling Firepaw stories while Badgerpaw and Dustpaw were listening intently.

I have a dead mentor, a blind cat forcing herbs upon me, my only friends left are seducing toms, and my mate is out and about away from the territories...possibly meeting a better tom...


Larry leaped on all fours, sending herbs scattering.

"What in the name of StarClan Beetlepaw?!" Jayfeather snarled. "We're looking for catmint and you decide to throw all the herbs in a bigger mess?!"


"Save it. If you're only going to make this harder, then go walk it off till you're calm." Jayfeather growled impatiently.

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