Falconpaw: The Crush Returns

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"All WindClan cats come here for what I have to say!"

Trina lifted her head, then dropped it to the cold ground.

It's not like he probably has anything INTERESTING to say!

"Get over here, Falconpaw!" Weaselfur snarled. "The Gathering tonight!"

Trina made an exaggerated groan and got up. She stumbled than kept going.

I hate these pathetic paws!

"Hey Trina!" Mina whispered as she sat down next to her. "How was the shrew?"

"Tasted like sawdust." Trina growled. Onestar came forth, Harespring and Emberfoot arriving with Breezepelt in the middle.

"Attention WindClan!" Onestar announced. "The Gathering is tonight, me and Harespring with go along with Crowfeather, Hootcry, Nightcloud, Weaselfur, Leaftail, Furzepelt, Kestrelflight, Falconpaw and Sheeppaw."

Onestar looked towards Breezepelt.

"Breezepelt has not only done questionable things in the past, but not he has shown himself to be a threat to the Clan's kits, whom are his own." Onestar hissed. "If he is this hostile to his own kits, imagine what he could do to other kits in the Clan?"

"Sparrowpaw was just fine in the Nursery!" Breezepelt roared. "You know that Emberfoot!"

Emberfoot turned and raked Breezepelt's already-scarred face. Breezepelt showed his teeth.

"There is no doubt he is dangerous, also what about my kits? Larkwing, do you wish to share the news now?" Onestar looked to the pale brown tabby in the crowd. Larkwing joined Onestar's side.

"I'm expecting Onestar's kits." Larkwing announced. The Clan cheered.

"What's so exciting about that?" Trina said loudly. "BORING!"

"FALCONPAW!" Weaselfur knocked Trina sideways and slapped her face. "BEHAVE!"

"Breezepelt, you would've been banished from WindClan. But I thought this over and decided you would be dangerous on your own. You are to be killed the next sunrise. All warriors stay and confine Breezepelt in the warrior's den."


"Shut up, Breezepelt!" Onestar snapped. "Even if they were, Heathertail has a right to secrecy!"

Breezepelt growled and lunged at one of the warriors surrounding him. They pinned him.

"Let's go, WindClan!" Onestar called his Clan to him and they headed off.

Falconpaw laid stiff on the ground, her limbs twitching. Weaselfur padded over to her.

"Get up." Weaselfur growled. Trina looked up at him.

"You hurt me." Trina hissed.

"It didn't hurt, now get up Falconpaw." Weaselfur muttered.

Trina got up and followed her mentor, her mouth still curved a frown.

"Do you want me to tell you what the Gathering is, Trina?"

"No." Trina hissed at Mina.

"You sure? You won't be ready for it if you don't know what the Gathering is." Mina replied.

"I'm very sure." Trina growled.

"Did you see the kits? Cedarkit's the dark brown tom and Ashkit is the pale gray she-cat with dark gray spots." Mina explained.

"I do not care!" Trina hissed.

"Don't be rude, Falconpaw." Furzepelt said as her and Leaftail walked together. "Sheeppaw's just being enthusiastic about new life in WindClan."

"But they have the blood of a Dark Forest warrior!" Harespring snarled bluntly. "We'll have to keep an eye out for them."

"They are kits, Harespring!" Furzepelt hissed. "They haven't even opened their eyes yet!"

Sheeppaw ran ahead.

"WAIT!" Trina roared. The WindClan cats heading towards the Gathering sent Trina dirty looks.

"What?!" Trina growled. "She needs to obey me!"

The WindClan cats passed by the huge lake. The sun reflected on the water's surface, and so did the sky mixed with bright shades of pink, orange, and yellow in a beautiful scene that almost seemed to real to be true.

Hootcry ran over and walked next to Trina.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Hootcry purred. "Have you seen such a wonderful sight as wonderful as this?"

"Yea, it's not really that beautiful!" Trina grumbled.

"Oh, well are you excited for the Gathering?" Hootcry asked.

"No." Trina said.

An awkward silence rose between them.

"Falconpaw?" Hootcry said softly. "Am I bothering you?"

"Yes, you are." Trina growled. "Now go away."

Hootcry shook and walked away.

Trina felt more relaxed till a cat shoved her.

"Weasel-face?!" Trina snarled. "What was that for?!"

"Be nice!" Weaselfur snapped. "It's Weaselfur, and don't be rude to Hootcry!"

"What so I can have his kits?" Trina hissed. "I see how you guys try to convince innocent cats to have kits by saying 'OH, LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GOING TO HAVE KITS SOON, BLAH BLAH BLAH'! When you are indirectly saying that they better or someone is going to get hurt! Do you put them against their own-"


"FINE!" Trina stomped ahead till she was only mouse-lengths from Onestar. They stopped at the tree-bridge.

"Remember." Furzepelt said beside Mina. "It's slippery, be careful."

"I will, thanks." Mina leaped onto the tree and tried to head forward, only slipping once.

"Let's go." Onestar went behind Mina and the others followed. Hootcry moved for Trina to go ahead of him, but she wrinkled her nose at his kind gesture before running onto the tree as well.

She wasn't careful, and she slipped.

"HELP ME!" Trina wailed as the ice-cold water shot pain up her body. Hootcry jumped onto the tree and pulled her out.

She shook the water off her body.

"You did that on purpose!" Trina snarled at Hootcry. "Letting me go ahead so you can trip me! Stay out of my way, fleabag."

Trina didn't let Hootcry respond. Instead, she took off.

Trina felt a blast of heat when she entered the island. She saw many cats speaking to each other.

"Hi, my name's Raggedpaw."

Trina turned around and saw a dark brown tom with intense eyes and a deep smile.

Trina didn't know if was the sound of his all-knowing voice or his beautiful eyes that was driving her crazy. She felt herself shake and a glow spread throughout her body. It could only mean one thing.

Nick Mallory?

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