Beetlepaw: Not Meant to Be A Warrior

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Larry lowered himself and looked across the grass eyeing the mouse before him, he had to make this catch. He cursed his short legs and leaped, missing the mouse. It squeaked and ran away, with much time to waste.

Larry looked down and thought desperately of staying here permanently, he couldn't.

He thought of all the queens and kits back in ThunderClan, and his dearest crush Carrie, who he knew was working hard to keep the Clan running smoothly.

If we have to spend the rest of our lives in this forest, I want have my kits.

"BEETLEPAW!" his mentor shouted from farther away.

"Oh no" Beetlepaw whispered before Berrynose marched over to him with his teeth bared.

"No prey again?! Great StarClan, the only thing you're remotely good at is cleaning the den! Your friends are going to become warriors today! This was your final assessment, and you failed. Get out of my face, I'm speaking with Bramblestar."

"I caught two mice and a bird and-"

"We get it Carrie." Kim laughed. "You did brilliant at your final assessment."

"I figured we all did." Corey smirked, tearing at a piece of mouse. "But Larry hasn't told us how he did!"

Larry numbly took a bite of rabbit leg and looked away from Corey's teasing look.

"Um, Larry?" Laney looked at him in concern, and Corey shot a jealous look at the two of them.

"Oh calm down Corey! We all know-"

"I'm not jealous about anything!" Corey protested over Konnie. "Larry's just being a downer in the conversation!"

"I failed, OK?" Larry muttered. "Berrynose is talking to Bramblestar about having my warrior ceremony delayed."

"Oh." Konnie whispered.

"So lucky you, all of you." Larry growled. "You guys get to become warriors and finally get the apprentice duties off your back, but I don't."

"I'm sure it'll only be by a moon or two." Carrie rubbed her head affectionately against his and whispered. "Maybe we can be mates then..."

Heat spread throughout all of his body, even though this wasn't the first time they have talked about this. In the past moons, they have gotten closer and well...even pressed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

He loved her, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, no matter where it was.

"Did you say what I thought you said?" Konnie winked at Carrie.

"Wha?! No!" Carrie stammered, her fur bristling. "But I can't wait to become a warrior!"

"All ThunderClan cats come forth!" Bramblestar meowed.

Thornclaw, the Clan deputy, and Berrynose, walked on either side of Bramblestar as he was ready to speak.

"We will be making seven apprentices warriors!" Bramblestar announced. Larry's heart broke knowing he failed.

Carrie became Skydawn, Konnie became Acornfall, Kim became Mothleap, Kon became Bigheart, Kin became Lizardnose, Laney became Adderpath, and Corey became Soulblaze.

"And Beetlepaw will be apprenticed to Jayfeather."

"As a medicine cat apprentice?" Larry asked. "Ok?"

"If you do, you can't be mates with Carrie..." Kon whispered.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Larry yelled. "I can't have a mate anymore?!"

Bramblestar looked at the heartbroken tom with the utmost sympathy, but Larry was having none of it.

"I...I don't have a choice in this? But I'm in love-" Carrie and Kon gasped, but Larry continued. "-and I don't want to give it up..."

Thornclaw was about to snap at him when the orange tom wrapped his tail around his eyes and shook.

"What...are you crying?" Thornclaw growled insensitively.

"Stop it Thornclaw." Bramblestar sighed. "Beetlepaw, I'm so sorry. But it has been made clear that training you into a warrior is impossible, and that for the past two moons you've been helping Jayfeather to kill time."

Carrie looked at her love in shock, but Larry didn't deny it. Instead, he sighed and hung his head in shame.

"You ruined my life." Larry hissed without looking at the leader.


"Save it." Larry muttered at Bramblestar, he got up and whispered in Carrie's ear.

"I still love you." Larry whispered before he walked into the medicine cat's den.

"Skydawn?" Fernleaf whispered to the speechless she-cat.

"Carrie?" Kim prodded her friend's shoulder. "There's still Storm-"

Carrie got up and ran out of camp, tears flying.

Larry strolled over to the dirtplace and escaped out of camp from a hole in the wall. He had to follow his dearest Carrie.


Larry tried not to call out for her too loudly, but was holding back panic as he looked frantically for her till he found her sobbing against a tree.

He slowly walked over to her and pawed at her shoulder.

"GET BACK!" Carrie smacked his paw away and got into a crouch position with claws unsheathed.

Larry couldn't be upset with her, not when he was admiring her deep eyes and long beautiful legs and elegant coat...

...till she clawed his nose.

"OW!" Larry smelt the blood appearing from his nose. "Carrie?"

"Go work with Jayfeather, we're done!" Carrie sobbed.

"You never told me if you loved me too...?" Larry said longingly. "I had to say that in front of the whole Clan..."

"GO!" Carrie cried. "PLEASE!"

"But I lov-"

Carrie snarled, and Larry shrunk against the tree as he saw her eyes turn amber and the silhouette of a much larger cat appeared behind her.

Oh Carrie, you're possessed somehow. I'll save you.

"Oh Carrie, I will always care. Please calm down..." Larry whispered lovingly.

"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Carrie roared, but her voice was not her's. "YOU BROKE ME!"

"Who are you!" Larry growled. "Leave Carrie alone!"

Suddenly, a dark brown tom appeared behind the possessed Carrie and loomed over the small tom.

"She's realizing her true self, it's coming to her in pieces but in due time..." the tom growled.


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