Chapter 4

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Yugyeom kept his warm hand on my wrist, guiding me from the entrance way to the dining room, where the seven boys, Mark's parents and Haneul had managed to pile themselves into the tiny area. It seemed louder than it actually was, though Jaebum's and Jackson's voice seemed to carry above above he others. No one really took notice of our entrance until Yugyeom sat beside Mark. Mama Tuan's gaze lifted from her phone to me.

"Welcome back," she mused, a pleasant smile on her worn face. "Did you have fun?" She questioned, patting the floor beside her. I moved slowly across the wooden floor to her side, stepping gingerly and on the balls of my feet to avoid stepping on scattered fingers.

I took a deep breath and sat beside her. It calmed me, if just a little, that not everyone in the room could speak English. At least I'd have a sliver of privacy.

"Yeah," I breathed out, absent mindedly reaching in front of me to wrap my fingers around the empty glass. It felt cool, nice, against my heated fingertips. "It was strange though," I muttered, casting a glance at Mama Tuan from the corner of my eye, "Haneul led us away from the main stairs, away from the crowds and stuff." I glanced from the cup to Mark's mom.

The general smile on her face had fallen, replaced with one of nervousness. She bit gingerly at her lower lip, glanced around the table before looking at me again. "She did? Did anyone spot you?" The usual glee that I would associate with her had dissipated, leaving behind a fidgiting woman.

"What do mean, 'see you'?" I questioned, turning completely in my seat yo face her. "No one came up to talk yo us. We took the long way to the pet store. The only weird thing that happened was that we didn't get to play with this really cute kitten-"

"Anora." I turned my gaze away from Mark's mom to look at who had called my name. Haneul looked at me closely from across the table, her plump lips curved at the edges in a small smile.

"Hm?" My call of acknowledgment seemed to fall on deaf ears as the slight smile fell from her face. She stood, beckoned to me, before leaving for the kitchen. I watched her curiously, staying seated until she stuck her head around the door way, looking at me with a blank expression, before calling for me again.

I let out an exasperated sigh, which earned me a smile from Mark's mom, before I stood and made my way yo the kitchen. "Yeah?" I asked, stepping over the door threshold and into the kitchen.

The voices were slightly muffled in here, so I could finally hear myself think. Haneul was holding a glass cup to her lips, her brown eyes closed as she drank. It took her about a minute to finish her drink, her nimble fingers placing the glass inside the sink.

"What were you talking about?" She questioned, leaning back on the counter, her arms crossed over her chest. I raised an eyebrow curiously, and tilted my head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean with Mark's mom," she sighed softly, closed her eyes as if my question irritated her, before opening them again to study me. I felt a nervous feeling build in the pit of my stomach and instead of answering, just kept my gaze locked with hers. I could almost see the irritation build as the seconds ticked by. "Well?"

"She asked how my day was," I blurted out, a ghust of air slipping past my lips with the rushed words. Haneul lifted an eyebrow and looked at me with a calculating gaze.

"What did you tell her?"

"Why does it matter?" I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and looking down at the floor.

"It really doesn't but-"

"Haneul and Anora! Get in here we're about to start the movie!" I couldnt exactly tell who was calling for us, but I'm pretty sure it was Jackson.

"Movie?" I mouthed quietly. Haneul's lips tilted into a small smile once again.

"We planned to watch Nightmare Before Christmas," she explained. She pushed herself off of the counter and yawned, stretching her arms above her head.

"But Jackson pushed for a scary movie." I yelped and jumped in place, Mark's deep voice shocking me out of my attention on Haneul. Haneul's face instantly brightened and she moved past to Mark who stood beside me. I stepped aside and let the couple embrace, Mark's arms wrapping around her smaller frame. He planted a kiss to her forehead before looking at me past Haneul's blue hair. "Do you like scary movies?"

My lips twitched and I nodded curtly. I felt so nervous under Mark's gaze. Maybe that's where Haneul got it from."I mean," I managed, "not really but I guess I can handle it. Plus it won't be in English so it'll be fine." I shrugged eventually and let out a shaky breath.

Mark smirked and looked at Haneul, muttered something in her ear before looking at me again. "Well I'm sure Yugyeom will protect you." I felt a blush creep up along my neck to my face, and my breath caught in my throat.


Someone from the living room called to us again, and this time, in Korean, so I couldn't tell who it was. Mark's eyes widened and Haneul laughed in response, before they turned and left the kitchen. Mark kept Haneul close to his side and I scowled at their backs.

I muttered to myself all the way to the living room, scowling at the floor. I almost completely walked past the living room, heading towards the direction of my borrowed bedroom, before a hand shot out and pulled me onto the couch.

I gasped quickly when my legs buckled and I collapsed onto the couch, staring with wide eyes up at Yugyeon who gave me a soft smile in return. "What?" I questioned, my heart pounding behind my ribs.

"Uh.. Movie. You watch?" He questioned, testing the words on his tongue. I smiled widely at his attempt before giving a defeated sigh and nodding.

"Yeah I'll watch the movie."

~ ~

We were well into our third movie and out of the nine of us in the living room, only four remained awake. Mark and Haneul had retreated to Mark's room to "sleep", Jaebum was curled up on the reclining chair, Junior and BamBam were sleeping comfortably on an air mattress in the middle of the floor.

My nerves were shot and I was spending more time cuddling under the blanket Jackson had brought out than I was watching the movie. Yugyeom wasn't phased by the movie, his eyes locked on the screen, his face void of any expression. Jackson and Youngjae were no better condition than I am.

It wasn't until the credits rolled around, the horror over for the most part, that I settled down and yawned, blinking my dry eyes and turning my gaze away from the flat screen t.v to the trio beside me. Jackson and Youngjae were cuddled together, their eyes wide.

"I'm getting tired," I muttered, pulling their attention to me. "I think I'm going to go to bed." I stood slowly, so not to disturb the exhausted boys on the air mattress. Jackson smiled from his spot between Youngjae and Yugyeom.

"Goodnight!" He called after my retreating back. I waved my fingers at him, grumbled in response before heading to bed.

A/n: sorry for this short chapter

I'm not sure what to do for this book so ya know

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