Chapter 9

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It was a lazy Friday. All of us, Mark, Jackson, Jaebum, Yugyeom, Youngjae, BamBam, Jinyoung and Haneul were sitting together in the living room. It had been the first day in a couple of weeks that we had the luxury of being together like this.

We were all packed into the living room, three on the couch (Me at the right end, Yugyeom in the middle, Jaebum the left end), two on the love seat (Mark and Haneul), and the rest sat on the floor, sitting on a pile of blankets, and a blanket draped over their laps.

The day was rainy, despite it being the middle of July, so the clouded sky made everything dark and gloomy. I didn't do well with weather like this, I always wound up sad and sullen. So I managed to convince Jaebum to put Bob's Burgers on, of course in Korean with English subtitles for me.

Bob's Burgers was my favorite show back home, and I often sat with my dad late at night, when mom was working and we had just finished cleaning the kitchen, and watched it. It had been so nice to spend that time with him.

I let out a breathy sigh and slumped into the back of the couch. I let put a breathy sigh, pulling Yugyeom's attention from the t.v, to me. "Are you okay?" He muttered in Korean. His soft voice blended with the Korean dubbed voices of the t.v show characters, making me frown and knit my eyebrows together.

"What?" I whispered back. Yugyeom let out a frustrated sigh and scooted closer, so our sides were pressed together. I felt my breath hitch as his head dipped, his lips ghosting over the edge of my ear, his breath fanning against the side of my neck.

"Are you okay?" He whispered again, the Korean spilling softly from his tongue. Goosebumps dotted my arms, and I shifted where I sat, clearing my throat and tilting my head away from him.

"I'm fine," I reassured. Yugyeom tilted his head away from my neck, but kept it close to my face so his chocolate colored eyes peered into my gray ones.

"Are you-"

"YAH!" Bambam's high pitched voice sounded off of the hallway walls, followed by quick foot falls that seemed to echo off of the hall way. We all turned around in the direction of BamBam's high pitched voice, watching him walk briskly into the door way leading from the hallway into the living room. He was clutching my wolf stuffed animal in one hand, my tiger one in the other.

I felt my cheeks immediately heat up in a blush and I turned away quickly, biting my lip and slouching into the couh cushion. Yugyeom glanced at me curiously before returning his gaze to BamBam.

Jaebum spoke quickly to BamBam in Korean, the language flowing smoothly from his lips. Bambam's reply was just as quick and smooth, before his words turned to unsure English.


"Yes?" I spoke softly. I didn't want to let them know that those stuffed animals were mine. We were all, basically, adults and childish things such as stuffed animals was meant for the past.

"I found these in your room." I felt my blush deepen, and Jackson let out a high pitched laugh. I frowned at him and grumbled under my breath before sighing loudly and finally turning around in my seat to look at BamBam.

I took the stuffed animals gently from his pale hands and cradled them to my chest. The fabric that had been used to make the stuffed animals was worn with age and the wolf was missing an ear. "So what?" I challenged defensively, narrowing my eyes at BamBam who sat himself in the seat he had abandoned some time before.

Jaebum leaned forward and looked around Yugyeom's lean body to look at the stuffed animals I was holding to my chest. "Zoo?" He pointed to the animals, and I felt my heart lurch at Jaebum's voice.

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