Chapter 8

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"Anora." Jackson's voice pulled my attention from my phone that I held in my hands, to my bedroom door. He had cracked it open and stuck his head in.

It had been a couple weeks since the sticky note incident, and I made no attempt to get closer to Yugyeom. Both of us were of shy nature, and it all but resulted in a stale mate between us.

Things were getting better, and I was starting to, in a vague sense, warm up to the Tuan's and all the people that filtered in and out of the house. I was even learning some Korean.

Strange things were happening though. Things I wouldn't have noticed had I not been paying attention most of the time. Like the fact that BamBam lost a lot of weight on his pudgy face, slimming his cheeks and ultimately changing how he looked in a whole. Or the fact that Jackson's black hair was now a bleach blond.

I narrowed my eyes at Jackson and shifted so I was leaning against the head board. "What is it?" He shoved the door open fully and showed my his hands. He was holding onto three cotton bags, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I got you presents~" He chimed, walking over to my bed, sitting himself down at me feet. He dumped the contents of the bags onto the bed, spreading them out evenly so I could see everything.

Pretty gel pens in a variety of colors, notebooks, flash cards, and Korean language books. My eyes widened and I shifted so I was kneeling at his side, both of our eyes turned to the books. "What is all of this?" I gasped out. I took a package of pens in my hands and looked it over. Of course, anything written on the package was in Hangul, but it was nice to look at.

Jackson scrunched his face and scoffed. "What do you mean 'what is all of this'? I'm going to help you learn Korean!" He exclaimed, smiling widely at me. I raised an eyebrow, slowly set the pens back ontop of notebook, cleared my throat, before looking at Jackson.

"Are you even fluent in Korean?"

That seemed like the wrong thing to say. His eyes widened and he leaned away from me, his hand placed over his chest. "Am I fluent?" He gasped, "I know six languages!" His mouth hung open slightly, and he looked at me with wide eyes. I stuttered out a response, trying to express that that wasn't exactly what I meant to say, but he waved me off. "No one else in the band speaks English, except for Mark. And I'm sure you'd rather have me teach you." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I groaned, rolling my eyes at him.

"No one else has tried to learn?" I asked, grabbing one of the work books. It was written in English, and the first few pages were an introduction to the Korean language. Jackson scooted over so our thighs were barely touching, his gaze locked on the book as well.

"Youngjae and Yugyeom and Bambam," He mused. He grabbed the book from my hands, and flipped through it.

As if being drawn by his name, Youngjae popped his head into the room, his wide eyes locking on us. He tilted his head curiously before a wide smile spread across his face. "Hey Jackson." Jackson turned his head and looked at Youngjae with a droll stare. Youngjae moved into the room, keeping the smile on his face the whole time. "Wat doin?" He questioned, looking at the book in Jackson's hands.

Jackson glanced from Youngjae to the book. "I'm trying to teach Anora Korean."

"Ah. Korean? You learn Korean?" Youngjae directed his attention to me, and tilted his head. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"I wan to try," I muttered, "I feel like I'm going to be here awhile." Jackson and Youngjae nodded understandingly before another being popped into the room. My eyes widened as Yugyeom poked his head into the room. Everyone else must have been confused on where there friends were going to.

Yugyeom's hair had lightened too. To where it looked slightly silver. It looked nice against the black hair that completed his undercut hairstyle. He had lost weight as well. I bit my lip as his eyes landed on me, and I subconsciously moved away from Jackson. Yugyeom noticed the movement, his lips turning down at the edges.

"Browniiee," Jackson called. Yugyeom's gaze lingered on me before it flickered to Jackson.

"Huh?" Yugyeom's soft voice made my heart jump and I felt my cheeks warm up at the simple sound.

Jackson glanced at me quickly, before he turned to Yugyeom. He stood for his spot beside me, and walked so he was standing in front of the taller boy. Jackson placed a hand on Yugyeom's shoulder, before speaking to him swiftly in Korean.

Jackson was only speaking for a few seconds, before Yugyeom's face went slack with emotion. He muttered something under his breath, before turning and leaving the room quickly. I watched his retreating back as he slipped effortlessly through the cracked bedroom door.

"What did he say?" I questioned, rising to my feet. I wanted to follow Yugyeom to make sure he was alright.
Jackson turned away from the door with a frustrated sigh, running his hands through his blond hair. "He's just being a teenager." I quirked my lips up at the statement, and glanced over at Youngjae. From what I remembered, Yugyeom was only the youngest by a few months.

"I'm going to follow him. I'll be right back." I left the room before Jackson could object, following the hallway until it let out in the living room.

Jaebum was on the couch, and he seemed to be sleeping. His legs were curled onto the couch and underneath him. His head rested on his arms, and his eyes were shut. His hair had been dyed red, but it looked fantastic. I licked my lips, nipped the skin gently before turning to scan the rest of the room. Bambam and Mark sat close together on the loveseat, their heads bent close together. Jinyoung and Yugyeom were missing.

I turned quickly on my heel and walked through the kitchen and to the back door. I heaved the heavy thing open, before shutting it behind me once I slipped through. Jinyoung and Yugyeom sat on the porch, several inches between them.

"Yugyeom," I let out a deep sigh, my chest loosening with the breath I had been holding. As a personality trait, I hated seeing anyone upset. Yugyeom was no exception.

Both Jinyoung and Yugyeom tilted their heads in my direction. Jinyoung's plump lips lifted in a smile before he turned his head around and pushed himself to his feet. He uttered something to Yugyeom before slipping inside, the door shutting with a gentle click.

Yugyeom's eyes had widened and he was staring at me with a confused expression. I plopped beside him, tucking my legs underneath me. "Are you okay?" I questioned, keeping my gaze ahead of me.

Yugyeom was quiet, probably wondering what my question meant, before he spoke, in that same soft voice. "I am okay." The insecurity I heard in his voice caught my attention, and I turned my head to look at him.

"Why did you walk out of the room?" I watched a pink blush fill his pale cheeks, his eyes dropping into his lap. He shook his head quickly, his hair tossing around at the movement. I had to knot my fingers together to avoid reaching up and running my fingers the silky looking locks.

"Ah," his blush deepened, and he shifted in his seat, stretching his long legs out in front of him and crossing them at the ankle. "Nothing."

His nervousness ran off of him in waves, and the reason he left the room became obvious. "You're jealous."

Yugyeom looked at me quickly before looking away again. He was cute. I scooted closer to him so our thighs pressed together. His body tensed and I fought the urge to lean against him. "It's okay," I muttered into the silence that had fallen over us, "I don't like him. I like you though."

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