Chapter 14

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The bed I was laying on felt soft, unbelievably soft, as if my body was sinking into it. The comforter pressed against my bare skin, alerting me of the fact that the only clothing I was wearing, if they even counted as clothes, were black lace bra and underwear that seemed to darken my tanned skin. I shifted, tugging at the thin cloth, before glancing upwards.

Yugyeom stood next to the bed, his wide, chocolate eyes, flickered over my body. Usually, he was so nervous and jumpy, eliciting nervous laughter around anything that pulled him from his comfort zone, but now, he seemed so sure of himself. "You look amazing," his normally higher pitched voice, was deepened, causing goosebumps to rise and dot my arms. He shifted closer to the bed, and I noticed he was in a similar state of being unclothed as I was.

He crawled onto the bed, hovering over me with his head ducked low enough so his breath was bathing my face, his lips barely brushing against mine. He smelled of mints and toothpaste, a sweet smell that made my mouth water and long to lean up and press my lips against his. The thought however, was shattered into a million tiny pieces when I felt his warm hand brush against the outside of my thigh, his finger tips tracing complicated designs up the skin until his soft fingers were brushing against the edge of the underwear.

"What are-" The words I had been planning to say, halted and my breath lodged in my throat as Yugyeom dipped his head, his warm lips pressing against the skin just below my ear. I pulled air into my lungs, trailing my fingers up his arms to dig crescent moon shapes into the pale skin of his back. A breathy sound left his lips, his teeth nipping down on the tender skin.

"Anora."  I frowned, glancing over at Yugyeom. He wasn't there anymore, and I was no longer laying naked in the most comfortable bed in the world. I blinked my eyes slowly, glancing around the lightened room. Instead of Yugyeom standing at my bedside, his pink lips moist from our shared kisses, it was Youngjae, his black hair was straightened and hanging down to cover his eyebrows.

"Youngjae?" I muttered, shifting in the large comforter and sitting up. My body felt too heavy, even the simple motion of leaning against the headboard sapped all the energy from me. I blinked my eyes, which still felt heavy, and glanced over at Youngjae. His cheeks had thinned out, and now I knew that they had just had a come back with Just Right, and his black hair framed his oval shaped face nicely.

Youngjae gave me a cheeky smile, plopping himself down on the bed. "Time get up!" He chirped, the smile showing off the cheek bones that usually remained invisible. "Date today."

"A date?" I whispered, my voice gruff but becoming normal with every word that slipped from my lips. I rubbed a hand down my face, hardly surprised by the fact that my face seemed drenched in sweat. I groaned softly and shifted so my legs were no longer hidden in the comforter, my bare feet pressed against the carpet of the floor.

Youngjae followed my example, sitting in a similar way than me. "You kay?" He questioned, scooting so our thighs brushed together. My face heated up and my breath hitched as he pressed his cooler hand against my forehead. "Hot and sweaty," He mused. I clenched my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

"Yeah," my voice came out high pitched, more so than I expected, "I'm fine." Youngjae watched me for a while before giving a curt nod and standing up.

"I go then." Another smile then he departed, shutting the door quietly behind him. I let out a deep breath, the tension that had kept my body rigid and straight left with the departure of Youngjae. I know it wasn't obvious, but it seemed like just by glancing at me Youngjae would be able to tell that I was having an inappropriate dream about his youngest member.

I stood up, the sheets sticking to the skin of my legs that were left visible by the shorts I was wearing. My skin felt clamy but I didn't intend to pay much attention to it. I shuffled to the closet, pulling the sliding doors open to peer inside. I wasn't sure what to wear, but Youngjae had mentioned some sort of date, so I figured I may as well dress up a little.

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