Chapter 23

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"Now," I could hear the smile in Mama Tuan's voice as well as feel the joy radiating from her fingers that she wrapped lightly around my upper arm, "they might not be out when we expect."

Her words of reasoning barely clicked in my brain, as I was quite distracted with letting my eyes scan quickly over the thousands of people milling about in the airport lobby. Their conversations filled the air, the sounds of their luggage rolling across the waxed floor on dirty wheels made it that much more difficult for me to grasp onto the words Mark's mother was saying. 

JYP had granted me access -taking me off of detention of sorts- and allowed me to travel with the Tuans to receive their "sons" from the airport. This wasn't without precautions and warnings, though I didn't find myself worrying too much about them as I stood scanning the thousands of heads. We had arrived an hour or so ago to the airport, and my excitement yet nervousness had continued to climb with every change of the minute. 

"Anora." The sound of my name riding a sigh that slipped from Mama Tuan's lips grabbed my attention briefly from my frantic searching, my breathing labored now as I directed my attention the shorter woman. 

"What is it?" My voice came out as a harsh whisper, and I cleared my throat quickly, placing my hand on the smooth skin before dropping my arm back to my side, re-asking the question and looking at Mark's mother. It took almost all of my willpower to keep my attention locked on her, my fingers twitching seemingly every other second the longer I kept my focus trained on her. 

She reached up and placed her small hands on either side of my face, successfully squeezing my cheeks together between her warm hands. I worried briefly if the foundation and concealer on my skin would smear, before her brown eyes locked with mine. 

The intensity of her gaze made me chuckle nervously and shuffle where in-place , nipping gently at the inside of my cheek. "You have not taken care of yourself in months," she scolded, her eyes swimming with an anger she kept from her voice. I pursed my lips and lowered my gaze, staring at our feet in the small space between us. "Please start treating yourself properly now that Yugyeom is back."

I nodded slowly, keeping my gaze locked on the waxed tiled that lay beneath my Adidas. "I promise." I don't think she heard me, but my shoulders slumped slightly from the weight lifted from my shoulders. At least I had offered the fragile woman consolidation for the anguish and anger I was sure to have caused her over the long months. 

Speaking of. I spared a glance outside, the edges of my lips lifting at the sight of the snow flakes that danced lazily in the sky, taking their time twirling ins small circles in the frigid air before joining many others unlike themselves in thick sheets of white on the ground. 

Winter was my favorite season. Seeing everything so pure and bright, if only for a few months, made my heart warm. 

I stepped backwards slowly away from Mama Tuan, and cast my eyes around in the airport. Though there were many people rushing around, the sound of their luggage rolling across the waxed floor and loud conversations was almost enough to drown out the soft Christmas music playing from multiple hidden speakers. There was garland strung up high on the ceiling, out of reach of tiny little fingers of the children who clung dutifully to their parents sides. 

I had a split second to admire the well-placed and well thought out decorations, before high pitched screams and the overwhelming sound of camera shutters opening and closing rapidly drowned out every other sound in the massive airport. 

My body tensed from its previously relaxed position, and I would have made a rapid   dash for the sounds that resounded off of the walls had Mama Tuan's tiny hand not shot out and grabbed hold of mine tightly, rooting me where I stood. "Not yet." I wasn't sure if she had uttered the simple words, or shouted them but either way it sounded drowned out.

My heart was racing.

Though the sounds of the shrieking fans was loud, the sound of my blood rushing in my veins was louder. I couldn't even hear the quick and harsh breaths I was taking. Or maybe I wasn't breathing? Either way my chest was aching. 

It seemed like years before I could spot Yugyeom's head over the swarm of girls and boys that tried to rush past the security guards. I let out a small whimper and nearly collapsed to my knees. I managed to keep my back straightened however. I also managed to get my shaking hands working enough to get the anti-dusk mask hooked over one ear, situated high over my nose, and hooked onto the other ear. I drew my hood over my head and lowered so my eyes were covered in just enough time before I was enveloped in his arms. 

My vision blurred briefly before it blacked out and the only thing I could scent I could detect is him. The soft fabric of his sweater soaked the tears that were falling a little bit faster with each second that would drag on.

His arms wrapped tightly around me, and this time my knees did gibe out, and I would have slumped to the floor in a sobbing mess if Yugyeom hadn't tightened his hold. The strength in his arms was a nice support along with a gentle hand on my shoulder and Youngjae's soft cooing that everything would be okay. 

This time I believed him.

Everything felt okay and in place now that the boys  were back. Even the threats I'm sure JYP could brew up were incapable of creating fear in my chest. The emptiness and anxiety that had followed me around for months in the boys' absences was gone. 


God, was Yugyeom crying? I couldn't handle myself crying, let alone knowing I had made him cry. I couldn't bring myself to respond, just kept my face buried in the soaked fabric beneath my cheek.

"I like you." 

I froze, my heart dropping at the words. Maybe he didn't love me. Maybe I had spoken too soon maybe I-

"Yah," Jackson's voice broke the scattered and messy thoughts that were clouding my brain, his gentle hands prying Yugyeom and I apart, and steering us towards the airport entrance and way from the screaming crowd that was still taking pictures and shouting their love for the members of GOT7 at the top of their lungs. "Wrong word buddy." Jackson slapped a hand in between Yugyeom's shoulder blades, before climbing into the van, leaving the remaining room for Yugyeom and I. 

I climbed in first, Yugyeom sitting gingerly at my side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and tugged me so I was leaning against his side, my head laying -slightly uncomfortably- against his chest. His free hand intertwined with mine, and he spoke gently into my ear. 

"I love you Anora." Tears started falling once more, and Yugyeom gently stroked his thumb alongside mine. "Baby you're mine."

author note:





 abitofaselfpromotion: please look forward to my new ikon story AND i'm currently writing an NCT story so maybe check that out?? 


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