Chapter 16

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Everything felt warm, my body, my mind, the blankets I was huddled underneath. My mind was surfacing slowly back to consciousness, and I could feel the warm rays of the sun, the stray rays that managed to filter between the curtains, bathe my skin, warming me even further.

I muttered under my breath,and turned over in bed. I wanted to sleep longer, seeing as I had stayed up well into the early morning hours last night at JYP studio watching the boys practice their choreography for Just Right. I pulled the blankets to my lips, and let out a soft breath, when I felt the bed dip under an added weight. The weight moved, hesitatingly across the thick comforter until the body stilled beside me. There was another movement, the weight disappeared, but strong arms wrapped around my waist now, pulling me flush against a warm body.

I shifted, scrunching my face against the now overwhelming heat. I wanted to confront this person, this warm body, even though the prospect of opening my eyes to examine the person cuddled against me repulsed me. I gingerly wrapped my arms around the body, pressing myself closer. Their stomach wasn't hard, or muscled, though their sides were slim. I felt my lips twitch in a smile and buried my face against Yugyeom's neck, the scent of his cologne making my nose twitch.

"Ah," I could hear the nervousness in his voice, and if I visualized hard enough, I could see the blush tainting his pale cheeks, "you awake?" His hands tightened briefly on my hips, his blunt nails digging into the fabric of one of my many overly large shirts I wore to bed. It made me acutely aware of the fact that the shirt and a pair of shorts, shorts that barely brushed the middle of my thighs, was all I wore to bed. It didn't affect me any, though I wasn't sure about Yugyeom and the way his fingers continuously would dig into the fabric, before loosening.

"How could I not wake up?" I muttered, my voice sounding choppy and hoarse compared to the silk like tone that Yugyeom had, even if his voice was higher pitched. I pressed my lips slowly against the exposed skin of Yugyeom's neck, tightening my arms around his sides. "The way you were falling over the mattress." I giggled faintly and pulled away from his neck so I could look at his face.

His slightly chubby cheeks, though they were significantly less chubby than when I had first arrived, were filled with a pink blush. His red lips were parted and his eyes were heavy lidded. He looked like he could fall asleep again. I didn't blame him. The way the heat seemingly radiated from every corner of the room dulled my senses, and the most inviting part of the room was in the bed, wrapped in Yugyeom's arms.

"Sorry," Yugyeom lifted one of his hands, pressing his warm palm against my cheek, before shifting his hand upwards so the tips of his fingers brushed against the hair at my temples, before soothing over my head, his fingers delving into my hair to tug gently at the strands. His breath ghosted the side of my face, the faint scent of mint and mouth wash following each exhale of breath past his lips. "You go back to sleep?"

"No." I muttered, closing my eyes and laying my head back in the space between his shoulder and neck. I felt Yugyeom shift beneath my arms, before he moved our position, so I was laying on my back and he was hovering above me. This felt familiar, the remnants of the dream I had awhile flickering behind my closed eyelids, before I opened my eyes, peaking them open to look up at Yugyeom. His body blocked most of the light that was flittering through the curtains, but it illuminated him in a way that made it nearly impossible to look at his face. "Yuggy," my voice sounded weak now, and I felt my heart racing behind my ribs, "what are you doing?"

Yugyeom giggled softly and I couldn't tell whether it was a nervous chuckle or if he thought my question was stupid. To anyone else, looking from the outside in, this situation would be painfully obvious. "I just wanted to see you," he muttered, his high voice dropping to a low level. He dipped his head, his lips ghosting against the side of my neck, causing goosebumps to spring up and race along my thighs and arms.

I opened my lips to speak, words of objection on the tip of my tongue, before my bedroom door clattered open, the door handle banging against the wall. Yugyeom and I jumped simultaneously, our foreheads bashing together. I groanded in pain and rolled onto my side, placing both of my palms against my head, clenching my eyes shut. I felt Yugyeom's weight shift to the edge of the bed, his breathing the only sound in the room so far.

"What are you two doing?" Bambam questioned, causing me to groan louder. I resisted the urge to thrash around on the bed, instead shoving myself into sitting position, one hand on my throbbing forehead, and one on the thick comforter, the fabric clenched in my fist.

Bambam stood inside of the room, his plump lips upturned into a smirk. I wanted to throw something at him, a pillow maybe? Or maybe the lamp that rested on the bed side table? Of all the possible members it had to be him. Bambam ran his mouth the most, and would no doubt flourish under the prospect of catching his youngest member in such an act. Or what he thought was an act.

"We weren't doing anything." I muttered. My Korean was getting a little better each day, and I could understand a little more than before. I was able to communicate better, and communicate well enough to object to BamBam's accusations. BamBam's piercing gaze turned from an embarrassed Yugyeom, who sat with his hands thrust into his thighs, and his head lowered so his dark red locks of hair hung in front of his, no doubt, cherry red cheeks.

"That didn't look like anything," BamBam pressured. His lips, still twisted into that god awful smirk lifted as he smiled. He took a step closer, and I moved again, so my bare feet touched the cool floor. I stood in one swift motion, before walking to BamBam. I placed both my hands on his shoulders and let out a soft breath.

"Did you have something to say? Or do you just have the knack for interrupting everything?" BamBam let out a sound that was supposes to be similar to a sound of shock, but came out more as if he was gasping for breath.

"I just wanted to let you know that we're all leaving to go back to the dorm for a little. We were supposed to have dance practice today but it got canceled for some reason. So watch Yugyeom." BamBam's dark eyes twinkled and his slim face contoured into a look of mischief. "I doubt he wants to leave now." He spoke the words in English and though I should have congratulated him on how well he was during currently, I still felt embarrassed at the intrusion.

I shoved BamBam towards the open door, and he laughed loudly, leaving the room with a quick, 'okay,okay'. It took all of my being not to slam the door after him. I sighed softly to myself, before turning to face Yugyeom. He lifted his head, and as I expected, his pale cheeks were filled with a dark blush. His bottom lip looked swollen, as if he had been biting it between his teeth the whole time BamBam had been in the room.

I smiled slightly at him, before padding over to him. I sat gingerly beside him, before taking his hand in mine, intwining our fingers together. There was a slight tremble to his long fingers, but I was hoping it would pass. "What do you want to do now?" I whispered, glancing from our hands to his face. His gaze flickered from our hands to my eyes.

"A movie?"

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