Chapter 5

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I don't know what drove me to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning. Whether it be my cramping stomach or the persistent urge to pee, it didn't matter. I maneuvered my sleep fogged brain out of my warm comforter, trudged out of the bedroom and into the halls.

The hardwood floor was cold against my bare feet, lifting some of the effects of being sleepy, not enough though. I made my way into the living room, by some fault.

All the boys, well, everyone except Mark, were managed and piled in the tiny room. Their soft snores filled the air. There were scattered noises of music playing through ear buds, rain noises playing from the speakers of someone's phone. It was a calm atmosphere, despite the cramped room.

I gave the room a once over, but someone drew my attention. Yugyeom. He was laid between Youngjae and Bambam, his long legs stretched out behind him. He had had a comforter on him at some point, but now it was pulled over Bambam, who already had a blanket of his own.

I scoffed to myself and shook my head, stepping around the scattered bodies to the lengthy boy. I managed to pull the blanket off of BamBam, without waking him or teetering backwards onto the couch, which, by the way, Jaebum was sleeping on.

I put the blanket back on Yugyeom, who by some instinct, grabbed the blanket and pulled it over his shoulders, curling his legs to his chest and under the blanket. I smiled down at his sleeping form, before I turned quickly and scurried into the kitchen. The longer I stood there the longer I felt like a creeper.

Browsing the cupboards with little light to go by, save for my phone light, was quite difficult if I do say so myself. I wasn't able to decide on anything, and what I did crave, was too loud to make.

So, I settled on filling a cup with water and shoving it into the microwave. I wanted to make sleepy time tea, but I knew it was probably going to taste awful. However, I found another problem when I managed to locate the tea.

The boxes were labeled in Hangul. I let out a frustrated sigh, and let the cupboard door slam a little too hard. I jumped in surprise and turned quickly to look through the kitchen door way. I was relieved to see that none of the boys had woken up and shuffled into the room.

I turned back around, getting ready to grab the boxes of tea and sort through the tea and pick a bag that smelled the best, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I tensed and turned quickly under the large hand. I half expected to meet Raymond's gaze, but a sleepy eyed Yugyeom stared at me. He rubbed at his eyes with the back of his hand, and kept the other hand holding onto my shoulder.

"Why are you awake?" I muttered silently, my heart racing under my ribs. I was scared to admit it, but he had managed to scare me. He didn't answer, just continued rubbing at one eye, keeping the other slightly opened and gazing at me. "Yugyeom."

"Hm?" He muttered, dropping both of his hands to his sides. His eyes remained narrowed but they lost some of the cloudyness that had clouded them moments earlier.

"Why are you awake?" I managed again, putting harder pronunciation on the words, along with spacing them out. I hated doing it. I felt like such an ass, like a racist pig. But I was sleepy and irritated.

"I don't.. Um.. Understand.." He tested the words on his tongue, and his bottom lip stuck out while he talked. It was cute.

I felt my lips quirk up at the edges in a smile, but it fell quickly. I let out a defeated sigh and turned my back to him. I dumped the water in the mug into the sink, before bracing myself against the counter, tilting my head forward so my chin rested againsy my chest.

"Are okay?" His gentle voice broke the silence nicely, calmed me in a way as well too. He placed a hand on my shoulder again, and applied a slight amount of pressure with his thumb. I turned to look at him, and let out a breathy sigh.

"Just sleepy," I breathed out. The words had barely left my lips before a yawn followed. Yugyeom's eyes widened and he turned away from me quickly. I would have been insulted, if I wasn't busy braking my jaw with how long this yawn was stretching on.
It took me about two minutes to finish yawning, and my jaw ached afterwards. I tapped Yugyeom on his shoulder and he peaked at me. "Done?" He questioned. I nodded and he turned fully. "Uh.. You tired?" I nodded again, and he smiled faintly. "You come."

He grabbed me gently by the wrist, his fingers felt warm, and led me slowly and quietly from the kitchen. Our footsteps seemed to fill the silent house, save for the snores that filled the living room.

We made it back to the bedroom without waking any else. He shut the door behind us, and flickered on the light. I squinted, and grumbled softly under my breath, slightly blinded by the light.


"Shh." He looked around the room once, twice, before flipping the switch. He made his way to me, I didn't move so he would find me, before I felt his hand on my wrist again. "Bed."

It was such a silly thing, but him talking in just one word made me feel like a baby. I mocked him under my breath, but complied, taking steps I knew led in the general direction of the queen sized pillow top bed.

When my knees touched the edge of the mattress, I patted the comforter, before climbing onto the bed and heading towards the headboard. I shuffled under the blankets, brought them to my nose, but didn't close my eyes.

I expected to watch Yugyeom leave, expected him to flip the lights one more time so he could find his way out, but he didn't. He made his way to the closest, which my bags still remained infront of, unpacked, and opened the door. He managed to find a few blankets and pulled them out.

He made a pallete beside the bed, didn't even ask for a pillow. I let out a breathy sigh, patted around beside me before tossing a pillow down to him. He made a soft sound of surprise, before he chuckled, shuffled around before silence befell the room again.

I could hardly settle down, the fact that I had a very attractive man sleeping on the floor bothered me. My thoughts would have continued to run rampant, if I didn't catch the sound of Yugyeom singing.

It was a beautiful sound, and calmed me instantly.


Guys, this story is going to be a lot of fluff and connection between Yugyeom and Anora before I figure our what to do with the drama

Hope you all like it anywas

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