Chapter 21

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I sat, with my hands buried between my tightly clenched thighs, and my sore and chapped lip pulled tightly between my top teeth. I had been all but yanked from the safety of my comforter but a mere hour early, and shoved into the van. Today was the day the boys would depart for Japan, then tour Europe, then head to America.

My stomach twisted and I felt bile rise in my throat. I glanced quickly from the ratty carpet on the flooring of the van to the front windshield. The windshield wipers were swiping furiously across the window to clear the driver's vision, and I was allowed a brief glance at the back of the boys' van. It was a black van with windows tinted darkly enough to resemble a city night sky. This was one of the only ways I was allowed to go along for the departure. That I wasn't allowed to leave the van I was riding in to trail after the boys into the airport.

It didn't register that this was going to be my last time to see Yugyeom, to touch him, without the aide of technology, until we were parked beside the curb of the airport. My chance to see him off properly was being yanked away from me and now I had to wait with desperation to watch him be hoarded out of the van, stand around on the sidewalk until all the members were accounted for, then watch him be hoarded once more into the safety of the airport.All of this was to take place merely while I was sitting inside of the van, my sight limited to just slightly beyond the window I sat besides.


Maybe it was the chaos of the morning, maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was watching the boys clamber clumsily from the van, maybe it was a combination of things that drove the tears that had blurred my vision to roll down my cheeks and dampen the fabric of my sweatpants. I was supposed to be strong, wave Yugyeom and the others off with a shit eating grin. Instead my lips were trembling and everything in sight was blurred. A whimper slipped past my lips, and I barely managed to clear my throat and wipe quickly at my wet cheeks before the driver to look at me, either with sympathy or curiosity, I didn't care to know.

Jaebum was the first to slide from the car, and I was only able to tell by the flash of his phone case inside his back pocket. His face mask was drawn to the bridge of his nose, the bill of his black snap back drawn so no one could really see his eyes. It didn't really help that he kept his head lowered. He wore a slightly thick black bomber jacket that was drenched in the rain. There was an uproar of screams as the van door slid open to let him out, and the screams only got louder as he stood in all his glory. However, he swiftly ignored the screaming and the chanting of his name to wait by the open door for the rest of his members.

Jackson and Mark followed after their leader, their heads bent towards one another in conversation. Mark had a red snap back on, with his black hood pulled over it. He wore a leather coat over his hoodie, and his pants were ripped wide at the knees. Jackson looked more like a modal as opposed to just grabbing anything near his slightly small fingers. His blond hair was slicked back, and large sunglasses sat easily on the bridge of his nose, even though the sky was gray and rain had yet to cease it's downpour. He wore a large black winter coat with faux fur along the edge, and I clicked my tongue at the sight, fighting the urge to yank the van door open and shout at him for being stupid to wear something so heavy.

Youngjae and Jinyoung scrambled from the van next, Youngjae's laugh managing to reach my ears over the sound of the fans frantic screeching. Youngjae had a black and red snapback on, his hair tucked inside and the bill facing backwards. He too was wearing wide brimmed sunglasses to block out the sun rays that were not currently present. Jaebum caught up with the duo before the could walk through the doors to the inside of the airport, placing his hand on Youngjae's lower back. Jinyoung broke off from Youngjae to trail after Jaebum and Youngjae, his blue scarf wrapped around his mouth and chin. His leather jacket was zipped up but a hint of blue peeked over the collar.

I felt my breath catch as finally, finally, Yugyeom and BamBam stepped out of the van. They were a sharp contrast to each other. Yugyeom's usually bubbly aurora was gone. He was wearing a face mask that was drawn to the bridge of his nose, much like Jaebum. Like Mark, he was wearing a snapback with the hood of his hoodie pulled over it. His leather jacket hung open, and he kept his gaze lowered to the sidewalk as he walked briskly towards the doors of the airport.

My chest tightened at the sight of my boyfriend and his group members walking away from me. It became increasingly harder to attempt to pull air into my lungs. Goodbyes were hardest for me, but this time I didn't even get to say goodbye. I wasn't really given permission to be around Got7 after JYP signaled Yugyeom and I out, so I grew distant once more with Yugyeom once more. I had fought tooth and nail to visit their dorm last night but was brushed away because they were packing and all their focus needed to be directed to that.

I felt a sense of desperation as the doors shut behind the boys, they and their managers and the like safely inside. I pressed my heated palm against the cold window, my heart racing and breath slipping past my lips in quick pants. At this point it was raining harder than before, the sound of the rain became deafening inside of the vehicle. The raindrops that pelted against the glass aided in the blurring my vision along with the tears that ceased to fall. Now it was almost like being blind. I still wanted him to look over at the van. I still wanted Yugyeom to somehow spot me through the fogged glass of inside the airport. I still wanted him to look at me with that nervous adoration I had grown so used to.

I was jarred from my thoughts that were doing little for except causing my tears to almost remain a permanent stain on my cheeks, by the engine of the van revving and the floor trembling as we pulled slowly away from the curb, following after the black van that had held the boys minutes earlier. The car lurched as we were thrown into a continuous game of stop and go, before we were finally free of the chaos of the airport parking lot. Then it was a race for the bulky white van and the silent driver to drop me off at Mark's parents house so that he could return to his life. Whatever it was.

Though the ride was loud and rocky, we made it back to the house in what seemed to me, to be record time. The rider pulled as close to the front door as he could, and I thanked him softly under my breath and with a slight bow of my head for the nice act, before leaving the safety of the van. Within seconds, I was soaked to the bone from the rain and my body was at a constant state of trembling by the time I managed to yank the front door open and rush inside. Mark's parents were absent, probably out to breakfast, but I still felt a stab of guilt at the small rain puddle that pooled around my feet.

I toed my soaked shoes off, and stepped up to the platform, wandering mindlessly to my bedroom. I slumped onto the bed, shoving my face against the pillow. I wanted to sleep, but my mind was buzzing and thoughts seemed to run continuously, and managed to get jumbled as well. I sighed loudly, the sound disrupting the silence that filled the house. Along with the sound of my phone vibrating where it sat against the bedside counter.

I grabbed it quickly, narrowing my eyes down at the screen.

You have been added to the Meme Team group chat.

The kakao notification raised my eyebrow raise, and I unlocked my phone swiftly, sitting up straight and shifting so my back rested against the wall.

Wang Dumpling has added you to the group.

I shook my head, keeping my finger hovering over the group chat. The only other person in the group chat besides Jackson and I, was Mark. An image popped up on the screen, and it was a picture of a Kermit muppet, his lip arms draped over his knees as he sit on white sheets.

Wang Dumpling: We miss you already

It continued like, the two members sending memes to the group chat, while my vision blurred once again, soft chuckles slipping past my lips. It was going to be long time until I saw everyone again, and I wasn't sure if I was ready.

A/N: Sorry for the filler chapter, I just wasn't sure what to write )): I love you guys sm thank you for all the support ^^

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