Chapter 18

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The heat held within the fabric of the leather seats burned the skin of my thighs, making me shift uncomfortably, trying to find a spot on the leather that hadn't been scorched by the sun. Unfortunately, seeing as the van that carried the 7 boys along the streets of South Korea was black, with tinted windows that should have been illegal, was black. It had managed to trap all the heat from the sun for the past hour within it's confines.

"Why keep sighing?" Youngjae questioned, peeking his head over the space between the three middle seats, his narrow eyes scanning me with curiosity. His black hair was in its natural state, ruffled, and in disarray. Jinyoung, who sat to Youngjae's right, made desperate attempts to calm the wild strands of hair. "You kay?"

My lips lifted at the edges in a slight smile, before I turned in my seat, placing my arm on the back of the seat. Yugyeom's eyes flickered from his phone at the motion, widening slightly, before the dropped back down to the dim screen. "It's hot," I explained, shrugging slightly, "it burns my thighs."

Youngjae frowned and let his eyes drop to my thighs, before he seemed to realize his mistake, his chubby cheeks filling with a blush before he let out a round of nervous laughter, settling back against the seat, turning his attention on Jaebum, who sat dutifully beside him.

Jaebum, like always, looked like a master piece, even though he was just sitting there. His narrowed eyes, with the mole right under them, were turned towards the window, his lips were opened slightly as he breathed. He wore a black, loose shirt, that contrasted his white swimming trunks. I nipped the inside of my cheek, before turning around with a huff.

"You okay?" I blinked in surprise, glancing at Yugyeom. He had tucked his phone between his thighs, his plump lips pouted outwards, his wide gaze, brown eyes flickering over me. "You tell hyung seat burn thighs. Sit here?" He patted his thighs and I felt my face heat up.

"Yuggy, it's not that bad," I attempted to sooth his worry, but his thick lips remained pouted outwards. "You gave me your shirt before we left anyways," I mused, tugging gently at the fabric that hung close to my knees. I should have sat on it, but I didn't think of it when I clambered into the van. Yugyeom eyed me, concern swimming within in the depths of those mocha colored eyes.

"If sure." With that drew our short conversation to a close. Even though we were technically dating, his shyness overshadowed any want for PDA. Even me brushing my knuckles against his hand in the space between our seats was enough to have his chubby cheeks filling with light pink blush.  He would stammer not to touch him, drawing his hand back and glancing around to make sure none of his elders had witnessed him.

I sighed under my breath, pouting out my bottom lip. I glanced out of the corner of my eye at my lanky boyfriend. His phone was held, once more, tightly in his hand, his eyes flickering with the motion of his thumb as he scrolled on whatever sms he was  on. It was on impulse, and the want to have his attention on me, that I finally shifted, sitting closer to him now that our thighs were in constant contact. I felt his muscles tense underneath the fabric of his sweatpants. I fought a smile that lingered on my lips, before shifting, sitting so my left side was curled against his chest.

"A-A" His face instantly lit up a light pink, his eyes widening and glancing from me around the van, trying to make sure that no one was sparing us questioning glances. Even if they weren't at this moment, eventually one of the boys would have an conversation they felt they had to convey to someone, and seeing as Yugyeom was the youngest, he was often the victim of involuntary listening. "They'll-"

"My legs don't burn anymore," I muttered, curling tighter against his chest so my knees pressed against his chest. It took a while, but his arm eventually wrapped around my waist, the pressure a soothing feeling. I laid my head on his shoulder, kissing gently at the pale skin of his neck. He let out a soft breath, before clearing his throat, tightening his grip around me. 


By the time the car had slowed to a stop beside the curb, the entrance to the water park mere feet away, the temperature had risen to barely breathable heights. The shirt I had borrowed from Yugyeom was now plastered against my skin, my breath leaving my lips in harsh pants. The fact that 9 of us had managed to squeeze into the van made it worse, you could probably cook an egg on the leather seats.

A quick glance out of the window, a simple flicker of my eyes along the cemented sidewalks and benches baffled me. I had been expecting fans of course. No matter how secretive the details of the group's whereabouts may have seemed secretive, under lock and key, they still managed to find out. With this knowledge in mind, I was expecting only about five to ten, with their little phones ready to catch a glimpse of the boys, their fingers hovering to take rapid pictures, or videos for their fan-sites. No. There were dozens.

Many of the fanatic girls, and some fan boys scattered sparingly, were dressed from head-to-toe, to impress. Their hair was styled, their faces were contoured and highlighted with streaks of makeup. Some wore revealing pieces of clothing, some shirts hung in low v's, revealing a tad bit too much chest. Some wore shorts that would have been classified as underwear. Granted, understandable it was hot, but considering they were all gathered waiting for Got7, the clothing hardly seemed because of the weather. 

Yugyeom's hand tightened briefly around my waist, and even with the quick touch I knew almost instinctively that he was nervous. "What are we going to do?" His voice left his lips in a whining tone, and Jaebum turned from his spot in the back seat to gaze blankly at the younger. 

"Hide her." He nodded his head at me, and the sentence fell so easily from his lips, as if it were that simple. "I brought a sweater just incase." He turned his gaze from Yugyeom and I, to the space between his feet, his lean body shifting forward as he dug around in the drawstring book bag tat had rested snuggly on his back until we all clambered into the van. He straightened up, and handed me a sweater. I felt my impending at the sight of the thick, black sweater. 

"You want me to wear this?"

Jaebum rolled his eyes, but his lips tugged upwards in a small smirk, before he shrugged effortlessly. "Yeah. If you and Yugyeom get caught in a scandal, it's on you." I didn't like the underlying threat, so I simply nodded. I shifted where I sat in Yugyeom's lap, causing him to grunt softly and glare at me as I slipped the sweater on. I wasn't sure who's sweater it was, but it was baggy, and long enough that it hung to my knees. I glanced up at Yugyeom, and his lips were hung open slightly, and his breath left his lips in quick, barely audible pants. The sweater must have been his. 

"Are we all ready?" Their manager turned around in the driver's seat, eyeing all of us. The boys nodded, quite excitedly, but I felt anxious. My fingers trembled as I pulled the hoodie over my head, pulling it down low to hide my eyes and face. My legs shook in an almost violent manner as we all slid slowly from the van. 

The air, still moments before with the anticipation of the fans waiting to see their idols, filled with screams. The boys' names were called, bouncing off of each other and causing a headache to build between my eyes. Yugyeom stood in front of my, Jaebum to my back, BamBam and Youngjae on either side of me. I kept my eyes downcast, trying desperately to silence the sound Yugyeom's name from the collected fans. The entrance, seemingly so close in the safety of the van, now stretched for miles. 

We managed to slip through the gates without much of a problem, but the heat and black sweater made me nauseous and dizzy, my vision flickering until Yugyeom grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers and guiding me over to a lawn chair. "Take the sweater off," He demanded, which sounded strange hearing his high voice hold so much hardness. I nodded weakly, and quickly took the sweater off, along with the shirt I wore. 

I was just glad that there wasn't much of a problem. No one shouted accusations of a girlfriend. It's easy to forget, however, the power of pictures snapped coupled with accusing fangirls can be online. 

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