Chapter 10

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"Welcome back!" Mama Tuan greeted us at the door, a large smile graced her pale and flawless features. She had a dish towel thrown over one shoulder and her the long sleeves of her shirt were pushed past her elbows. Raymond stood dutifully at her side while we all shuffled into the room.

I made sure to keep my distance from the group, trailing after them only after the last person, Yugyeom, had slipped into the house. My cheeks were still warm with embarrassment, Jackson's words ringing around in my head.

Jackson had scolded me the whole car ride home. He had taken notice of my goose bump ridden skin, taken notice of the fact that I was sneezing every few seconds. He paid no mind when my body shuddered, despite the heat that was being filtered throughout the car. "It's your own fault," He muttered, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back against the seat.

Yugyeom did though. I watched his plump lips work into a frown, before he let a sigh escape past his lips. He pulled off his pullover, a black wool pullover that had hugged his slim frame nicely, and handed it to me. "Warm you up," he muttered, offering a shy smile.

I bowed my head and gingerly took the article of clothing from his long fingers. It was still warm from having been worn all day by the giant. I pulled it on over my head, smiling happily at the almost immediate response my body gave to being warm. My nose still tickled with the threat of another sneeze, but my body was no longer shivering.

"Anora!" I looked up from the drive way to the door, where Mama Tuan stood expectantly, her thin arms crossed over her chest. I felt my cheeks warm even more and I tugged Yugyeom's sweater tighter against me.

"Yeah?" I questioned, moving slowly towards the door.

"Are you coming in?" She questioned back. I sighed loudly, and pouted out my lip, speeding up my pace and hurrying towards the door. She greeted me with a warm smile, shutting the door once I had slid inside the warm house. I slid my shoes off, following after her and into the living room. "Why were you out there all by yourself?" She questioned, her tone slightly whiny.

I shrugged my shoulders, even though she had her back to me. "I dunno, I just-"

"Is that Yugyeom's sweater?" She turned abruptly, her eyes holding a certain lighting to them. It was like everyone was set on making my face permanently red. I cleared my throat and shuffled in my socks where I stood.

"Uh yeah," I muttered, pulling the sweater over my cold fingers. "I forgot to take a jacket to the zoo. And it was cold and it was raining." I explained. We had moved from the living room into the kitchen and she was now heating a tea kettle on the stove.

"How long were you without a coat?" She spoke in her singsongy tone, rising onto her tippy toes to shuffle things around in the cabinet, way above her head, that was too high for her to reach. "Hot chocolate or tea?" She grunted, wrapping her fingers around a few boxes.

"Hot chocolate," I answered sliding myself into a seat. I wanted to help her with her struggles to reach the drink mixes that were too high for her, but I was short as well and I had no idea where anyone else had run off to. "And all day. Yugyeom only gave me his sweater when we got in the car and he saw me shiver."

Mama Tuan clicked her tongue and shook her slightly from side to side. "That's no good," She muttered. She checked all of the boxes for one specific one, before setting the box aside and looking at me over her shoulder. "Do you usually do stuff so reckless?"

I felt my eyes widen, and my cheeks heat up. "Re-reckless?" I stuttered out. Mama Tuan's lifted at the edges in a small smile. She nodded her head slightly, that small smile still playing on her lips.

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