Chapter 5: Black coat

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Ian’s POV

I finished my cereal and took the empty bowl to the kitchen. Anthony seemed really upset, I understand why. It doesn’t feel good when people are lying about you. Maybe I should go back to my parents, and try to get out of his life, I only make it worse for him. That thought brought a tear in my eye, and I blinked it away. This was the best thing that ever could happen to me, and the media has to ruin it. I ran upstairs and grabbed my bag, put on my shoes and got outside without someone notice me. It was an hour walking back to my house, so I took the bus. One person recognized me, but I asked her to leave me alone, and she did luckily.

“Hey Ian, your early.” My mother said when I came home. “How was it yesterday?” she asked me. “It was really fun, we had an amazing time.” I said with a big smile. I don’t want my mom to know what is happening, it would only cause more trouble. “Do you mind if I go to my room?” “No problem! Are you staying for dinner?” she asked. I haven’t told Anthony that I went back home, maybe he wanted to do something together when he came back from his walk. I should call him. “I don’t know yet, I tell you in a couple minutes!” I said when I went to my room. I dropped my bag and jumped on the bed. I dialed his number and waited…… no answer. I tried again, but still nothing.  I can’t remember if he brought his phone with him. I guess I’ll talk to him later. I put my phone back in my pocket and opened the door. “I’m staying for…” I wanted to say, but my phone ringed. I picked it up without looking who it was. “Anthony?!”  asked. “No Ian, it’s Mari. Do you know where Anthony is?” she asked me, her voice sounds like she was scared of something. “What? Why do you ask?” “Well, I wanted to go out with you guys, so I went to his house, but he isn’t there.” It has been more than an hour when he left, why did it took him so long? “He went out for a walk, he should be home by now?”  “Can you please come over, I found an envelope sticking on the door with your name on it. I’m too scared to open it.” She asked me. “I’ll see you there, don’t go anywhere.” I said and hung up. I ran downstairs o my father. “Dad, can you give me a ride to Anthony’s house? I’m in a hurry.” I asked him. “What’s the magic word?” he said. “Pleaaaaase, please.” “Well, it actually was buttercup but I’ll take that too.” He stood up and went to the door.

“I’ll be back around six!” I said and my father drove away. Mari ran up to me, and handed me the envelope. “Here open it!” she said. “Calm down girl.” I laughed.

“I hope you’ve read this in time, cause your friend will be dead by tomorrow 8pm. I’ll give you some hints to save him, you know the movie he played in right? ‘Save my life’? yeah, that’s how you’re going to play this FUN game. If you’re too late, then you will never see your friend again. Good luck.

First Hint: The first scene of the movie.”

Fear flood through my body.  ‘Your friend will be dead by tomorrow’. I can’t believe this. I looked at Mari, she looked confused. “What? What is it Ian?!” she asked me panicking. “Anthony has been kidnapped”… 


Ian’s POV

Mari moved her mouth, but no sound came out. “The first hint is ‘The first scene of the movie’. So I guess we’ll have to go to the beach.” I said “How do you mean? Where is he?” Mari asked me. “I don’t know, the person who kidnaped Anthony is trying to lead us to them, but if we don’t go the right way…” I didn’t finished my sentence. Why would someone kidnap Anthony?! I have to go to the beach, there was the first scene of the movie. Anthony was buried in sand, there must be the second hint. “Mari, we can’t lose any time. You stay here, I’ll go and get the second hint.” I said to her, she hugged me. “Please find him Ian, I don’t want him to die.”

 The water wasn’t high, so I could see the exact place where the scene was filmed. I ran to it, there was a flag sticking in the sand. A read what was on it. Behind you. I waited for a couple second and then turned around. I saw nothing, but then in the corner of my eye, I saw a man. He was wearing a black coat, and I couldn’t see his face. He was holding something in the air. I looked closely and then saw that it was Anthony’s beanie. He was wearing that when he left. I became furious, this was the guy that was planning to kill Anthony. Before I knew it, my legs began to move, and I ran up to the man. He dropped the beanie and run away from me, I couldn’t keep up with him. So I just watched him ran away, and he faded eventually. What do I have to do now? Was that it? Did I just lose my chance to see Anthony again? I fell on my knees, tears were forming in my eyes. This was all my fault, how do I have to tell Mari this? I wiped away the tears from my cheeks and went back to pick up Anthony’s beanie. There was sand on it, and blood. That must be his. I tried to wipe it away, but then took a glance at a piece of paper in the beanie. I took the paper out of it and red it, it was a ticket. For a theme park. I can remember that there was a theme park here when I was little, but I don’t think that it is still open. I looked on my phone, it was 9pm. I’m late, but if I go back to my house, I’ll might miss that man in the black coat. Anthony is more important than anything, and he needs me. I cleaned his beanie, put it on and took a long walk, back to an old memory of mine, hoping to find the kidnapper.

Save My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora