Chapter 10.1: It's not over yet.. {Save Anthony ENDING}

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David's POV

---------------------- one week earlier -----------------------

Anthony and I had an idea of playing games at my home with the other 2 guys, but he wanted to practise first. We would have our own dancegroup. He always had the funniest and craziest idea's, but I like them. He would come home form his trip to california, and we would meet him here, at the danceschool. A car pulled over and Anthony stepped out, so did 2 others. 'Hey guys! great to see you again.' he said to us. Joshua replied to him and we were talking for a bit. But I couldn't keep my eyes of this boy Anthony brought with him. Before I knew it he stood infront of me, and we shaking hands. 'Ian and Mari' Anthony said, as introdution. I saw Ian blue eyes and perfect smile, that made me smile too. 'They are going to join our dancegroup.'

'We should call it "The Sausage Party Band.' I suggested. OMG what did I say? That was a horrible name. Ian must think I'm stupid. 'Sounds good to me.' he said to me. My cheeks turned red and I smiled like an idiot. But it felt good, smiling again, thanks to Ian.

-------------------------------- now --------------------------------

Ian's POV

'So yeah, I have a crush on you.' David said 'But Anthony ruined it for me. I tried sitting up, but my shoulder hurts like hell. David walked circles around me. 'They said on the news that you are a couple. Oh wait, I mean Were. He's dead now.' he grinned and stopped walking 'So, were they right?'. I said nothing, I didn't know what to say, he is soulless. David didn't seem to like the silence and punched me in the face. Blood dripped out of my nose, and I faced the floor. 'Were you?!' he yelled. I turned my face to the lifeless body beside me. Anthony wasn't there anymore. I grabbed his hand, it felt warm. 'Anthony..' I whispered as tears were streaming down my face. 'Pathetic' David said and walked away 'This should all end now.'

Yes, he was right, it has to end here. David was 10 meters away from me, and wouldn't notice if I moved. So I crawled to the broken glass and picked up a piece from the window. I heard a click behind me, and when I turned my head I could see a gun pointing against my head. 'Bye Ian.' David said, but before he coud ull the trigger I kicked his knee and he fell backwards. I jumped up and laid on him, pushing the glass against his chest. He grabbed my arms trying to push me away. He was strong, but I needed to do this, for Anthony. He has to die for what he did! I couldn't hold it, I felt a massive pain in my arm and rolled on my back. I couldn't move anymore. David leaned over to me and whispered in my ear,'It's not over yet.'. I looked at my chest and saw the piece of glass sticking out of it. He put his hand on my eyes and closed them. I felt the energy pour out of my body, and exhaled my last breath.     

 White light appeared and I heard Anthony's laugh in the distance..

Mari's POV

'I'll be back in a minute.' the nurse said and left me alone in the hospital room. I survived David's attack with luck. I went to Anthony's house because I thought that he could be there, but I saw David instead. He stabbed me multiple times and left me for dead. I heard someone stop by on a motor and then Joshua came in to help me. He called 911 and they picked me up. He suspects Ian for killing Anthony and trying to kill me. He said that he saw Ian in the woods, waving like crazy. So he went looking for Anthony but found me instead. I still try to convince him that it wasn't true, but Joshua won't believe me.

It took the nurse longer than a minute so I turned on the TV, it was a news channel. It was about a murder, here in Orlando. Ian and Anthony, they are dead.. He didn't made it. I continued listening, but my eye were filling with water. 'There is no sign of the killer, but we have a name that could help us solving the case. On the wall of the crime scene is written in blood the letters that spell the name Mari.'

I hold my breath, he set me up. David set me up for murdering Ian and Anthony! The tv was flickering and all lights went off, I heard screaming in the rooms next to me. I didn't know what was happening, but then I saw a movement in the corner of my eye. He just stood there, in the doorway with a bloody knife and smiled. That look in his eyes, the same look that he had when he stabbed me, I would never forget. That's the face of a killer. 'I told you I would come back for you..'

[hey guys, this was the sad ending. Don't worry! If you want a good ending, then you should read chapter 8.2/9.2/10.2 thank you guys sooooooo much for everything ^-^ Reading my stories, following me, and staying here waiting for an update. It has been hard for me to keep writting. But I'm so happy that I finally fisihed it, and I hope you guys do too. I Love to read your comments letting me know what I could do better (grammar of course) and if there were things you liked about this story. I read everything. and for the milionth time, I LOVE YOU ALL <3 xxxxx V]

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