Chapter 3

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“What the hell!” I shout.

            “Hidan,” I hear Itachi sigh. “Take the bag off of Tora’s head.”

            “But I don’t wanna see her fucking face!” Hidan shouts.

            “Hidan!” A sharp voice says.

            “Fine,” he sighs and I feel the bag being lifted from my head. As soon as it’s off I lunge forward at Hidan who’s sitting across from me. I pull my right are back and bring it forward with all my strength, which is a lot. My fist makes contact with his left eye and I smirk knowing it’ll leave a mark.

            “What the fuck was that for?” He whines.

            “That’s what you get for putting a bag over my head.”

            “Bitch,” he mutters.

            “What did you say?” I ask my fist poised to hit him again.

            “Nothing,” he says quickly. Smirking I sit back and examine the others in the car. I immediately recognize Sasori and Deidara from my art class. Deidara smiles at me and flicks his long blond hair over his shoulder, while Sasori just stares at me blankly with his dark brown eyes.

            “I like her already,” a guy with some sort of headdress thing that only leaves his green eyes visible says. “Anyone who can shut up Hidan is okay in my book.”

            “Thanks,” I say with a smile. “I’m Tora, by the way.”

            “Kakuzu,” he says.

            “Nice to meet you.” I say and turn to everyone else. “So, anyone else feel like introducing themselves or should I just make up names?”

            “I’m Pein,” says a guy with orange hair and tones of piercings on his face says.

            “So you’re the one who owns the limo. Lucky.” I mutter.

            “I’m Konan,” a girl that has dark blue hair with a paper flower in it says. “It’ll be nice to have another girl around.”

            “Trust me, I know how that feels. When I was 3 I lived in a foster home that was full of boys. I have extremely vivid memories of what they would do,” I say making a face. Out of the corner of my eye I see Itachi’s face sadden. I guess he still feels sad over the topic of our parents giving me up.

            “That must have been terrible,” she laughs.

            “Believe me, it was. Continuing on with introductions, who are you?” I ask a guy with blue hair like Konan and gills tattooed on his face.

            “Kisame,” he answers simply.

            “Cool,” I say.

            “Aren’t you two going to introduce yourselves?” Konan asks Sasori and Deidara.

            “She already knows us,” Sasori says.

            “We have art together, un,” Deidara explains.

            “We’re here,” Pein says as the car stops. The driver opens the door and we get out. A huge brick building looms in front of us and the sign reads Konoha Elite Mall. Damn it. They brought me to the rich people mall. Yes, we have one of those here, sadly. The rich folk started to complain that our regular mall was too low quality and filled with dirty poor people, so they banded together and built this place. It’s filled with designer everything and one shirt here costs more than my entire outfit.

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