Chapter 14

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“Itachi!” I shout, relief flooding my voice. “Sasuke!”

“You!” Orchimaru growls staring at Sasuke. “How dare you betray me?”

“You kidnapped my sister,” Sasuke snarls. “No one messes with my family and gets away with it.”

“Well then, you can die along with her after I take your eyes!” Orochimaru launches his tongue at Sasuke and wraps it around him, pulling the raven our of my view. Itachi goes to follow, but gets stopped by Madara. Itachi throws a few shuriken, but they pass right through the masked man's body.

Madara melts into the floor and materializes again behind my brother. “Ita-mph!” My eyes widen as a gloved hand covers my mouth. I thrash my head around, but the restraints don't allow much movement.

“Relax,” a voice whispers in my ear causing slight tremors of fear to go through my body. The restraints on my wrists are removed only to be replaced by chakra sapping ties. My legs are released and I'm roughly pulled to my feet. The hand stays on my mouth as I'm dragged from the room, my brothers too busy fighting to notice.

As so as we're far enough away from the room, the hand on my mouth is replaced by a gag and the person picks me up bridal style.

“Kabuto!” I shout, well, try to shout. It just comes out as an unintelligible garble.

“Don't worry,” he says with a sadistic smile. “I'm going to take you somewhere safe, where we can be together forever.” A shudder goes through my body at the thought. Nowhere is safe for me when Kabuto's there. I struggle against him, trying to get him to drop me so I can run. A low chuckle escapes his lips at my attempt. “You can't escape from me.”

Cold air rushes to meet my bare legs where my dress had been ripped. Above me the sky twinkles with bright stars and the blinking red light of a satellite passes by. I turned my head to the side so I could see where we were going, but Kabuto was moving so fast that everything became a blur. That is, until something hits him and knocks us to the ground. His arms tighten around me as he uses his body to soften my fall.

“Let her go,” a deep, monotone voice growls. Kabuto stands up and gently lays me against a heater on top of a building, then turns to face whoever hit us. Kabuto blocks my view of the assailant and I wiggle around trying to see past him.

“Now why would I do that?” I could practically hear the smirk in Kabuto's voice. “She's mine now and no one else can have her.”

“Too bad, because I'm taking her,” the attacker says coolly. Something flies at Kabuto forcing him to jump out of the way, clearing my view. My eyes widen as soon as they meet a pair of sea green ones. Gaara! I try to call out his name, but the gag makes it impossible. His attention shifts from me when Kabuto lunges at him with his chakra scalpel. Gaara's sand immediately rushes to protect him and Kabuto can't get through it.

Gaara's sand chases Kabuto around the rooftop, but Kabuto is just slightly faster and keeps evading it. Then the worst possible thing happens. It starts to rain. Gaara's sand becomes wet and heavy and the red head can't control it anymore. A sharp curse rolls off of Gaara's tongue as he pulls out a kunai and turns to face Kabuto.

“What rotten luck you seem to be having,” Kabuto smirks triumphantly.

“I don't need luck to beat an ass like you,” Gaara retorts, his eyes narrowing dangerously at the glasses wearing boy. The gag muffles the laugh that floats past my lips at the outraged look on Kabuto's face. Kubuto rushes forward, his chakra scalpel locking against Gaara's kunai. Gaara swings his other fist around and catches Kabuto on the jaw. The silverette's head snaps to the side, but he comes back up swinging. His fist collides with Gaara's stomach sending the red head back a few steps.

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