Chapter 4

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            The next day starts off normal. People seem to have gotten over the fact that I’m a commoner and refuse to wear the ridiculous uniform and Sakura hasn’t bothered me yet. It’s a pretty good day, that is, until lunchtime.

            “So you already got a dress for the dance?” Hinata asks as we sit at our table.

            “Yeah, I bought it yesterday when I was at the mall with Itachi’s friends.” I say.

            “Oh really?” Tenten asks. “How was hanging with the seniors?”

            “I really only spent time with Konan, but she was nice. We’re getting ready for the dance together at her house.” I say and begin slurping my ramen. “Where’s Gaara?” I of course noticed the red head’s absence as soon as we sat down.

            “The monster has him,” Kankuro says.


            “His girlfriend,” he clarifies. “I should have never gone to the mall with them. It was pure torture! She’s such a bitch.”

            “I’d normally smack you for saying something like that about our little brother’s girlfriend,” Temari says, “But sadly you’re right. I can’t stand that girl.”

            “Me neither. I met her yesterday at the mall and as soon as she opened her mouth I wanted to knock her out.” I say.

            “Shh, here they come,” Hinata whispers.

            “Kami, save us all.” I mutter and turn around to see Gaara walking towards us with Matsuri hanging on his arm.

            “Hey bro,” Kankuro says. “Have a seat.”

            “I’m sitting with Matsuri,” he says in his deliciously deep voice.

            “Then why the hell did you bring that thing over here?” I mumble only loud enough for Temari to hear and she has to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter.

            “I just came to ask Temari if she could come and help me with my math homework.” He says.

            “Only if Tora comes,” Temari says and I spit the juice I was drinking all over Neji.

            “Sorry Neji,” I giggle.

            “It’s okay, I’m just happy I’m not you right now.” He smiles.

            “I hate you,” I glare. “Oh and Temari. No way in hell.”

            “Please Tora,” she says giving me a pleading look. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

            “Fine,” I mutter.

            “Yay!” She jumps up, grabs my arm and drags me away following Gaara and Matsuri.

            “So which table is it?” I ask.

            “That one,” Matsuri says pointing towards a table in the center of the cafeteria with Sasuke and Sakura.

            “Oh Kami,” I moan, “Why must you torment me so?” I hear Gaara chuckle and watch as he tries to hide a smile.

            “Aw, look. Matsuri took on a charity case,” Sakura sneers. “You have such a good heart.”

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now