Chapter 5

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“How is he doing?” I ask as I burst into the hospital room the receptionist told me Jirya was in. The first thing my eyes land on is Jirya lying in a bed in the middle of the room. He has white gauze wrapped around his head and is hooked up to a bunch of different IVs.

            “Not good.” Minato says and I turn my attention to him. “The doctors say he’s bleeding internally and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.”

            “It’s all that bastard Orochimaru’s fault,” Kakashi growls. I look over in his direction to see him slumped in a chair with his left arm in a black cast and cuts all over his face.

            “Really? What happened?” I ask curiously.

            “We’ll discuss that after you heal Jirya,” Minato says. “Just tell us what you need.”

            “Okay. I’m going to need you to keep any doctors and nurses as far away from this room as possible.”  I say. “Kakashi, I need you to watch the door and make sure no one else comes in, even if it’s Tsunade or another shinobi, got it?”

            “Yes ma’am,” They say and go to do their tasks. I turn my attention to Jirya and walk over to the bed. I activate my medical ninjutsu and move my glowing hands over his body to assess the damage. A few broken ribs, minor cuts here and there, but the worst of the damage is where one of his ribs cut up the tissue around it causing serious internal bleeding. I’ll have to work fast; he’s already lost too much blood. I move my hands to the area of the shredded tissue and lightly press them down. I can feel the jutsu doing it’s work and healing the damaged tissue. After a few minutes I focus my attention on mending the major breaks in his ribcage.

            “Done,” I sigh stepping back and sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

            “I’ll inform Minato and the others.” Kakashi says stepping out of the room. I lean back and close my eyes as I hear the other’s enter the room.

            “Is Pervy-sage gonna be okay?” I hear Naruto ask.

            “He’s gonna be just fine,” I sigh opening my eyes to look at my brother. “What exactly happened to him?”

            “It was all Orochimaru,” Kakashi says bitterly and we all turn to look at him. “We were doing a sweep of the city, searching for the lair, when we ran into the bastard and Kabuto in an alley. In the end we caused enough noise to attract the attention of the public and the cops were on the scene. Orochimaru and Kabuto got away.”

            “Did they at least get away in worse condition than you guys?” I ask.

            “Of course,” Kakashi scoffs. “If it weren’t for the cops showing up Kabuto would be dead right now.”

            “Damn cops,” I mutter.

            “I-is he going t-to be okay,” A weak voice sniffles and we all turn to see Tsunade, with Kushina and Shizune behind her, enter the room. The first things I notice are her puffy eyes and red nose. This whole experience must be horrible for her, considering she’s already lost her brother and an old boyfriend to the shinobi world.

            “He’s going to be fine,” I smile, getting up and wrapping my arms around my Godmother.

            “Thank Kami,” she cries and buries her head into my shoulder. I feel a wave of anger start in the pit of my stomach. How dare that snake bastard do this? Next time I see him I won’t hesitate to kill him, he deserves it! I look at Naruto and see that he has the same look in his eyes. Orochimaru better watch out!

Like High School Didn't Suck Enough Already (A Konoha High Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang