Chapter 21

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I wake up in the medical wing of headquarters to bright sliver eyes blocking my vision. I jerk upwards in surprise, hitting my forehead against whoever was standing over me. "Ouch!" The person says in surprise, bringing a hand up to rub their head. "I come to visit you and this is what I get? You're lucky you're cute."

"Kou?" I mutter, peering up at the blue haired boy.

"The one and only." He grins and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "I swear you are so much work. I mean I drove in today expecting to see your smiling face, instead I find you in a hospital bed."

"This is becoming a habit, huh?" I ask with a slight chuckle. "Where's Tenshi?"

"Arguing with that brunette who smells like dog."

"Kiba? Now this I gotta see." I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

"You sure you're good to stand?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." I stand up and wobble slightly. Kou places a supportive arm around my waist in order to stabilize me, but doesn't move it away once I'm fine. Instead he leads me out of the room into the hall. Shouting is coming from somewhere and when we round the corner I see Kiba lying on the ground with Tenshi standing over him, resting a booted foot on his back.

"Get your fucking foot off of me!" Kiba growls. Tenshi merely raises an eyebrow and examines her nails.

"You asked for it Kiba," Ino chides him from beside Itachi.

"You shouldn't have went to grab her after she called you dog-breath." Suzume adds.

"Nice to see you again, Tenshi." I giggle and gain the attention of those in the room.

"Tora! Are you okay? What happened? Why aren't you laying down?" Sasuke rushes over to me and takes my face between his hands, staring into my eyes.

"I'm fine." I laugh and swat his hands away.

"What happened to you?" Suzume asks. "One minute you were fine, then you freaked out on us and passed out."

"All I remember is a feeling of unreasonable anger, an image of Gaara with some green haired chick hanging on his arm, then pain. Lot's of pain." I shudder slightly at the memory. Now that I think of it, wasn't the girl Gaara's fiancee? But I've only seen her in pictures, so why did I see that? "It was weird, like I felt like I've seen it before."

"Maybe you have," Suzume muses, placing her hand to her chin. "Maybe it was a memory. I mean there were plenty of times during our Suna trip that she was hanging on him."

"Do you really think it could have been a memory?" I ask, eyes widening. If it's true then my memories of Gaara might come back! Then I can at least have some closure with losing him.

"It's possible." Ino says. "I've been training as a medic and it's possible for people with memory loss to slowly regain their memories over a long period of time."

"That's promising." I mumble. Not like it matters, as soon as summer comes Kou and I are going to find whoever took them and force them to give me my memory back. "Guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"And while we're waiting, why not have some fun?" Tenshi suggests, sending me a mischievous smile.

"What did you have in mind?" I smirk.

"The kind where we ditch these losers and go do some of the stuff we talked about when we first met."

"Oh, let's!"

"Wait, what happened to ditching Tenshi and spending time with me?" Kou questions, sounding a bit hurt.

"Don't worry," I smile. "The others will take good care of you. We can meet up again at the barbeque pit because I never got to eat there yesterday and I'm sure the others didn't either."

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