Chapter 16

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“Oh my Kami I'm going to kill them!” I scream busting into the guys' hotel room. We had just arrived in Suna and the bitches were already getting on my nerves! First they brought way too much luggage, like four bags each. Then they decided to claim the beds and told Suzume and I that we had to sleep on the floor, that didn't go over well and ended up with both of them screeching as we sat on them. Finally they completely destroyed the bathroom! I'm talking make up and jewelry all over the counter top, smelly body washes and shampoo all over the shower, and the entire fucking room smells like a perfume bomb went off in there.

“Calm down, luv.” Gaara chuckles pulling me into a hug. “You only have to deal with them from ten at night to nine in the morning and you'll be asleep for a majority of that time.”

“Yeah, but they're so irritating!” Suzume whines. “It was bad enough having to live with Sakura. Now I have to share a room with her!”

“It can't be that bad,” Kiba says as he unpacks his bag.

“Believe me,” I mutter. “It is.”

“At least we have a few hours to go out and see the city right now,” Sasuke smiles wrapping an arm around Suzume.

“And we have our own personal tour guide.” Naruto adds, pointing to Gaara.

“Yeah, I'm going to take you guys to the best teenage hang out Suna has to offer.” Gaara smirks.

“And what place would this be?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“It's karaoke place. They have nightly competitions and they serve deep fried food, so it's pretty awesome. Well, at least when there's someone who can actually sing up there.” He makes a face as he says this. “Some people sound like dying cows.”

“A karaoke place? Really?” Kiba asks. “That doesn't sound that cool to me.”

“I don't know,” I muse. “I mean deep fried food, good music, and the ability to make fun of the people who can't sing. It sounds pretty awesome to me.”

“Yeah and Tora can sing for us,” Suzume adds.

“Only if you sing,” I counter.

“Well naturally I wouldn't let you do it alone.”

“So it's been decided!” I say excitedly. “We'll go grab the others and meet you in the lobby.” I give Gaara a quick kiss and go down the hall to Luna, Hikari, Hinata, and Ino's room. I pound on their door adding a kick at the end for good measure.

“Who is it?” Luna calls through the door.

“Santa Clause!” I answer. “Hurry up we're going out!”

“I don't think Hikari and Ino are in the mood to go out!” I hear Hinata shout.

“They're too depressed at being the only ones who don't have boyfriends here,” Luna informs me as she opens up the door.

“Shall we?” Suzume asks.

“We shall,” I smirk as we enter their room. “Come on ya bums, get up.”

“Boys aren't everything, so get your heads out of the clouds and come with us to the karaoke place,” Suzume grabs Hikari's arm.

“Karaoke?” Ino asks.

“Yep apparently it's a big thing here,” Suzume shrugs. “But if you two don't come you won't get to hear Tora and I sing.”

“You're singing?” Hikari asks in disbelief.

“You don't have to sound so surprised,” I pout. “It's not like we've ever done anything to suggest that we can't sing.”

“You did refuse to do that dare that Hidan gave you to sing in front of all of us,” Ino points out.

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