Chapter 17

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“Roller coasters!” I scream happily as we get off the bus in front of the amusement park in Suna. “Look at them all! I can't wait to ride them.”

The bus ride had been short and awkward. Gaara didn't try to talk to me and I just kept my eyes off him so that I didn't break down into tears. Matsuri and Sakura have been a big help. Who knew they were so cool? I didn't expect it at all.

“We haven't been to an amusement park since we were twelve,” Naruto chuckles trying to hold me back from running into the place without a ticket. “You remember that Tora?”

“Remember it?” I laugh. “I remember Kakashi nearly puking after we got off that one spinning ride! And you were too scared to go on the big roller coaster with me, so you stayed back with Mom and Granny Tsunade while Dad, Kakashi, Jiraiya and I all went on it.”

“I was not scared!” He argues with an embarrassed blush. “I just ate before you went on it and I didn't want to puke.”

“Keep telling yourself that, scardy cat!” I tease and bounce over to Kakashi. “Ticket please.”

“I'm going to regret bringing you here.” He sighs and hands me a slip of paper.

“Well considering everyone else has someone to ride with and I'm pissed at my original riding partner right now, you're going to have to fill that spot.” I say not bothering to keep quiet. I want Gaara to hear.

“Actually we fixed that problem,” Matsuri smiles. She's actually wearing acceptable clothes today, she borrowed a pair of jean shorts and a purple tank top from me. “Since Sakura's going to be with Sora the entire day, you can ride with me.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there.” Luna shouts looking between the two of us. “I was shocked enough when you and Sakura showed up wearing actual clothes, but would someone please explain to me why you two are being nice to each other? Is this all a joke just to fuck with my head?”

“Nope,” I smile locking arms with Matsuri. “We bonded last night over our shared heartbreak. It was quite the tear fest full of secret confessions. Did you know that growing up with rich parents results in being forced to act like someone you're not? Because I would have never guessed that's why Sakura and Matsuri used to be such bitches.”

“Apparently it's very common,” Suzume adds. “For example, not only were Sakura and Matsuri victims of this, Sasuke and Neji were too.”

“Can we go into the amusement park now?” I ask impatiently. “I'm ready for some adrenaline.”

“Come on junkie,” Suzume laughs linking her arm through my free one. “Let's go get you your fix before you go into remission.” She leads me through the ticket line and into the crowded park.

“This is gonna be awe-” I start only to be interrupted by a squeal.

“Gaara! Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here today?”

“And there goes my good mood,” I mutter as the green haired girl from last night clings to Gaara.

“I take it that's her,” Matsuri whispers in my ear.

“Yeah,” I whisper back. “I think her name's Yukiko.”

“Yukiko, what are you doing here?” Gaara asks in surprise.

“Did you forget my dad owns this park?” She asks with an annoying giggle, lightly slapping Gaara on the arm. I grit my teeth and my grip on Suzume and Matsuri's arms tightens. “Nice to see you guys again!” She turns and gives a blinding smile to the rest of us.

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