chapter one

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"No, Shi, come on don't say things like'll be fine..." It's obvious that I don't really think that.

I swat Sima Shi's hands away from the bloody bandages encircling his torso. What did he mean by: "it's just a scratch. I'll be fine?" Choking back tears, I realize how much blood has drained from his face. I can begin to see the beginning of a dark circle under his mask-less eye.

"Beloved...there's nothing left for you to do..."

I blink back more tears. "No no you've- you're going to make it. You have to." I realize that I'm being selfish but I can't live without him, as cliche as it sounds. He takes my hand, covered in his blood and presses it to his rapidly paling face.

"I've never cared about just conquest."

"Shi, please I-"

"You much me...than conquest." He's struggling to keep breathing. He coughs, and some blood pools and trickles out of the corner of his mouth.

"I just want you to know..."


"So this, is the enemy?" Shi looks to his brother, Sima Zhao. Zhao runs a hand through spiky brown locks. He shifts his weight onto one side and cocks his hip.

"Yup. I wish that father had given us a challenge for once..." Sima Zhao admits. Sima Shi barks a bitter laugh.

"Ha! This will be easy. They thought they could try and invade us? Imbeciles!"

I giggle a little bit at Sima Shi. The Sima brothers are currently on the balcony of the main camp. I hide behind a wall, hoping that neither of them detect my presence. My lord, nor his brother know that I'm here. Lord Sima Shi wishes to keep me far away from battle, but I can fight well for a woman. Almost as well as Lady Yuanji, but that won't stop Shi from trying to protect me. Suddenly, something cold and sharp prods me in the back. My breath hitches. Maybe my lord was right, and an assassin had found his way into the castle...

I slowly crane my head around, and come face to face with Wang Yuanji herself. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"You gave me quite a scare, Lady Yuanji," I admit, turning fully around. She allows herself a short chuckle.

"Well, that was kind of the point, my lady." She peers around the wall that we're behind.

"Spying on Master Sima Shi and his brother now are we?" Wang Yuanji raises an eyebrow in sarcastic suspicion. She smiles at my silent response. "I assume Master Shi is still refusing to let you join the battlefield then?"

I pout. "My lord knows I'm strong enough and can take care of myself just fine." I watch as Wang Yuanji begins skillfully hiding her knives in secret compartments and folds in her clothing.

"You know good and well that he is just trying to keep you safe." She smooths down her dress and briskly walks towards Sima Zhao. Lady Yuanji bows her greetings towards both men and whispers a few words in Master Zhao's ear. Before I can disappear back behind my wall, Zhao turns towards me and gives me a subtle wave. I wave back. Sima Zhao winks at me and tugs on the sleeve of Wang Yuanji's attire. He drags her to another wing of the castle, leaving Shi staring off the balcony and me behind my wall. I take this as an opportunity to speak with Master Shi.

He notices me before I get to him. When he turns to face me, his cape billows, almost comically around him. But still beautiful nonetheless.

"You were there the entire time, weren't you?" The corners of Sima Shi's mouth turn up slightly. I can't help but grin in response. Shi's smile quickly fades into a frown.

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now