chapter three

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I curl up into the side of Sima Shi's warm body, happy, naked and sated. Although I know that neither of us is going to ignore the fact that I will still try to persuade him to let me come along in his battles. But for now, I just want to enjoy the sound of his breathing as he sleeps beside me. I trace my fingers over a stitch that stretches across an area of Sima Shi's rib cage. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles, an infectious upturning of lips, and I don't care if he misses all of his meetings because I want to see this look on his face for the rest of my life. He brushes a lock of hair behind my ear and leaves his hand on the nape of my neck, seemingly falling asleep again. But alas, I'm well aware that moments like these, never last forever.


Although it only felt like minutes, supposedly hours later, Sima Shi rolls over on our martial bed and yawns. I gather the sheets up to my chest and sit up. He meets my eyes and angles his head to get a better look at the marks he had fondly left on my neck the night before. Shi's eyes sparkle, then he rises to dress. He rummages around in his wooden desk near the bed and pulls out what seemed to be a piece of clothing. He sits back down on the bed and hands it to me. It was colored a light blue, the same as other Jin officers, and had a delicately tailored collar that came up to the neck. The sleeves only reached to about my elbows and the bottom was patterned with delicate swirls, filled in black and outlined in gold. My breath catches in my throat.

"I purchased this with you in mind, beloved," Sima Shi says, pressing the gorgeous thing into my hand. I weave it through my hands, noting that it's wonderfully soft, some sort of expensive silk probably.

"W-where did you get this? How much was it?" I ask.

"You're not supposed to ask that," Sima Shi laughs.

"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that! But seriously, this is absolutely stunning. Thank you Shi." I reach to hug him and he accepts the hug graciously. He pulls away quicker than I am anticipated, and I realize he has yet to get dressed and I need to do the same. I excitedly pull on the shirt and I am pleasantly surprised. It fits snugly and the collar covers up the love markings on my neck. I reach for my underwear and shorts from yesterday and slide them on one at a time. Then I sit on the edge of the bed to put on my boots. Sima Shi dresses quicker than I do and he's already reached the screen door to slide it open, possibly looking for Jia Chong who was tasked with taking notes in Shi's absence. I stand up to follow Sima Shi and comb my fingers through my hair quickly.

Jia Chong is conversing with Sima Zhao in the hallway. Zhao appears to be exasperated and he is making crazy expressions and flamboyant hand gestures. Jia Chong is covering his mouth with his hand and I realize that he is laughing, or smiling at least. He glimpses to the side and sees Sima Shi. He drops his hand, and resumes his stoic expression. Sima Zhao drops his hands.

"Good morning, Brother!" Sima Zhao turns to me before pounding his fist into his hand and bowing.

"Good morning to you also, my lady."

I reciprocate the action. "Good morning Master Sima Zhao."

Jia Chong pulls out a scroll from inside his jacket and hands it to Sima Shi before bowing to him as well.

"Notes as you requested, my lord," Jia Chong says in his deep baritone.

"Thank you Jia Chong, much appreciated."

"Think nothing of it, my lord," Jia Chong responds, bowing his head slightly. Sima Shi begins striding past the two officers and down the hallway at a quick pace and I rush to catch up with him.

"Brother, wait!"

Sima Shi stops abruptly and I almost run into him. He swivels his head around to look at his younger brother.

"Yes, Zhao?" He drawls.

"Before I forget, father wishes to see you. He's in the grand hall." Sima Shi turns his head back around, before resuming his same path.


AN: I know this is a super short chapter I'm sorry! But I have big plans for the next chapters and I hope you'll enjoy them. For the people who actually read this don't forget to read and review!

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now