chapter eight

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AN: Trying to keep cranking out chapters for my readers. Finals are kicking me while I'm on the ground.
Jiang Wei charges, and before the point of his trident makes contact with my unprotected chest, he turns his wrist so the wood slams into me at full force. I stumble back and nearly trip over my own feet. My lungs start to ache and I'm not positive whether it's because of the smoke or the force of that hit. I can't let him hit me like that again or I'm done for.
"Is that...all you got?"
Jiang Wei laughs haughtily before charging again. He swings towards my head and I narrowly duck the blade. I push out the trident with one hand, before I pull out a dagger and swipe at his face. He blocks with an armored forearm and kicks me in the ribs. The power behind his leg sends me flying. There are black spots behind my eyes and the burning in my lungs is getting stronger. I'm rusty. Way too rusty. Soon, the brunet haired strategist stands over me, trident aimed at my face.
"Do you yield?" He asks me. I cough up blood and spit it in his face.
"Never," I growl, my voice sounding like gravel under my boots. Jiang Wei wipes saliva off his face with his hand and raises his weapon. I close my eyes, prepared to accept my fate.
"Ah!" The trident is dropped next to my head and Jiang Wei cups his cheek with a palm. He pulls it away and it is covered in crimson colored liquid.

"What the hell-" Zhong Hui suddenly comes into view, smug grin and all.
"I suggest you step away from her if you know what's good for you. Either that, or I'll cut off your ponytail and strangle you with it," Zhong Hui threatens. Jiang Wei scowls and kicks his trident into hand before leveling it at Zhong Hui.
"Amusing, I could say the same for you."

Zhong Hui sprints towards Jiang Wei, flying swords streaming behind him. He raises both arms and swings them forward and his swords mimic the action. The swords split in middair, and swoop down towards Jiang Wei. Unfocused, Jiang Wei rolls forward in order to dodge the projectiles. The swords begin to descend towards me and I muster all of my energy to roll to the side. I can't move much. My ribs are at the breaking point and my head is swimming.

"Hyah!" Zhong Hui holds two of his swords in hand while the remaining attack Jiang Wei. It's obvious that the Shu strategist is struggling to fend off his opponent's attacks. Zhong Hui pushes the defender back with the butt of his sword. Jiang Wei trips and falls onto his back breathing heavily.

"No," he rasps. "I will not give up, until I've built a land of benevolence!" He smacks Zhong Hui in the side with the flat of his blade and Zhong Hui staggers backwards, clutching his abdomen.
"Chancellor! My apologies!" Jiang Wei takes off out of the burning base. Soon, Zhong Hui's face is in my vision, albeit swimming and tinged red at the edges.

"Zhong Hui," I gasp. "You came back...for me?" He nods and hoists me up in his arms. I give a little yelp of pain. Hui angles his head, startled.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Ribs," I mutter, too weak to form an entire sentence. Zhong Hui frowns and mutters something that I can't catch. Before long, darkness fills my vision and the crackle of the fire is all I can hear.

"My lady, you must awaken. We must get going." I slowly open each of my eyes as I begin to rise into a sitting position. My head feels like it's being crushed in a vise and I pinch the bridge of my nose, hoping for the pain to pass. I glance down and see that the bottom half of my shirt has been torn away, and my bare torso is covered in fraying bandages.
"Zhong Hui," I begin. "Why did you..." I pause and press a hand to my ribs.  A sharp stabbing feeling rushes through my abdomen. I quickly remove my hand and use it to wipe the cold sweat off my forehead. "Nevermind," I mumble.

Zhong Hui picks dirt from other his fingernails, and absently rubs at his temple.
"Some serious bruising," he clarifies. "No broken bones but I can't be positive. You'll live." I pull on the bandages slightly, tightening them, before pulling back on my discarded cloak.
"I must apologize, Zhong Hui, for my behavior earlier, and I must thank you for saving my life once more." I draw my hood over my eyes so he doesn't see my embarrassed expression.

"No thanks are required, my lady." I furrow my eyebrows.
"Don't take any offense when I say this Zhong Hui, but you have been seeming a little out of character lately. Is everything alright?" Zhong Hui flushes pink and starts glancing around nervously before abruptly standing up.

"N-no matter! I am alright I assure you. We must resume our advance, for night is beginning to fall." I frown, dissatisfied with his response, and shakily try to rise to my feet without vomiting or blacking out. I stumble just a little, but Zhong Hui is there to steady me, and we resume travel, with his hand pressed against the small of my back.
AN: I know, lack of Sima Shi romance lately *sweats nervously*. But I'll fix that in the next update. Just for you guys!

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora