chapter two

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"I could have helped you!" I exclaim as I wrap more cloth around Sima Shi's arm. His expression still remains neutral as he continues to shut me down.

"No you could not have."
"How would you know? Please my lord. Let me come with you!"

Sima Shi's jaw hardens.
"The answer. Will always. Be. No." He whips his arm away from me as I was still trying to bandage it. I cringe as I watch one of his stitches rip open.

"M-my lord...your stitches..." He doesn't even look at me as he strides out my chambers, still topless, and sort of resembling a mummy. Both of his forearms and his chest are wrapped in loosening cloth. He walks at a quick pace down the corridor and turns the corner out of sight. I frown, strips of cloth hanging limply from my still bloodied hands. I empty the basin of water out the window, watching as it almost falls on a Lieutenant standing outside. I duck quickly back inside.

I glance at my bloodied clothing once again and begin to strip. I leave the dirtied garments on the wooden floor near my bed. I slip on a silk shirt that's shrunk with age and a pair of armored shorts that Wang Yuanji gave me as a gift. I grab the boots by my screen door, and try balancing on my left foot to slip on the right one. I trip and land on the ground with  thud and an audible "Ouch!" Jia Chong rushes to the door.

"My lady are you-" Sima Zhao's bodyguard and trusted friend pauses to look at me on the floor. "Oh, never mind. Would you like some help with your shoe?" I blush and Jia Chong rolls his eyes.

"Sorry to worry you Master Jia Chong. I only tripped trying to dress."

"Understandable. Oh, and I bring news. Master Sima Shi is looking for you." He leaves, drawing the screen door shut behind him.


I rush through the corridors of the castle to the garden where I was told Sima Shi was waiting for me. As I jog outside, I begin to wonder if he was still angry with me from this morning. I didn't mean to make him upset but I want to be by his side. I don't know what I would do without my beloved usurper with me.

I find him, kneeling by the koi pond, one clawed glove off, playing with the koi in the pond. His eyes look so distant and peaceful, and I fall in love with him all over again.  A breeze whips by, tousling my hair and sending a chill through my bones. I finally realize that the shirt I picked just barely reaches past my belly button. Sima Shi looks up and beckons me over. I kneel by my husband, unsure if I should touch him at all or not. I decide to take a risk, and relax my head on his shoulder. He places an arm behind me and leans into the touch. Maybe things wouldn't turn out so badly after all.

We stay like this for a while, neither of us wanting to spoil the quiet or peace that had settled.

"I would like to, apologize, for this morning," Sima Shi states. He doesn't meet my eyes and the corners of his mouth point down. I feel sorry for pushing him and intertwine his fingers with mine.

"I am sorry too my lord, I did not mean to harass you so much over this issue. I just, can't help but feel a little neglected. I don't intend to be a simple housewife who will cook and clean and bear your children," I admit. Shi smirks.

"That wasn't why I married you I promise. But the last thing I want, is for you to get hurt and I lose you." He actually meets my eyes this time and I can feel tears welling up in my ducts. Instead of crying, I tilt my head up and seal his lips with mine. He enthusiastically kisses back and cups my face with his hand . I throw my arms around his neck and draw him closer to me. Sima Shi uses the other hand that wasn't preoccupied with my face and sets it on my waist, his fingers tickling the bare skin left uncovered by my small shirt. I moan and Sima Shi takes it as a sign to deepen the kiss. I tilt my head a little more before breaking for air. Shi's pupils are dilated and he looks younger and happy. I can't help but smile.

He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it gladly and out of nowhere, sweeps me off my feet and into his arms. I instinctively grasp his neck and he laughs, a deep, throaty, sexy thing, and I want to kiss him again.


Before long, we are back in the Sima family household, and the only people milling about are the servants.  He turns down a hallway that looks familiar, and I realize we are going in the direction of his bedroom and I get excited. Before I can reach the screen door to pull it aside for him, Sima Yi opens the door to his room. For once, Sima Shi looks nervous and maybe even a little embarrassed. He attempts to bow to his father with me still in his arms. Sima Yi looks like he is fighting off a smile. I feel, and probably appear a little awkward.

"Remember Shi, you have a meeting in an hour or so, make sure you um, take care of your 'business' before then."  Sima Shi's father walks away, snickering, while Shi develops a full body blush. I laugh.
He attempts to shoot me a dirty look but it doesn't come off as he intends it because he is still flushed crimson and his eyes still appear playful. My husband sets me down on my feet and goes to pull open Master Sima Zhao's silk screen a fraction.

"Zhao?" Sima Zhao sits on his bed reading a scroll while eating a meat bun.

"Oh, Shi? What do you need?"

"I'm going to be...preoccupied during the meeting today and will not be able to attend. I would appreciate it if either you or Jia Chong could take notes for me." Sima Zhao looks confused.

"Brother, why are you not-" Zhao pauses and I wave at him over Sima Shi's shoulder from the crack in the door. He mouths a silent 'oh,' and smiles.

"Um, sure Shi. I'll ask Jia Chong to do it."

"Thank you Zhao." Sima Shi reaches over to Zhao and swiftly plucks the meat bun out of his hand before sliding the screen door shut behind him. He happily takes a few bites before offering the rest to me. I accept, and finish it off. Shi slides open the door to his room and pushes me inside. He slides it closed and I fall back on to his bed. He places strong arms, toned with years of battle on either side of me.

"Let's, preoccupy ourselves shall we? "

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now