chapter six

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AN: Before we get started...thank you soooo much my meatbuns for getting this to 100+ reads! Love you guys, and don't forget to comment, vote and follow if you want more!
P.S- Sorry I didn't update for a while. Writer's block.

My breath catches in my throat, and I begin to wonder if I've made a huge mistake. I start backtracking, but I trip over my own feet and hit the ground with a thud. This was a mistake. I should have never come here. Lord Sima Shi was right.

"Hey! There's someone up there!"
"They look like they're from Wei! Get them!" Shu soldiers rush to climb the ladder.

", no, no," I mumble to myself. I reach for the daggers in my belt and through nervousness, the first two I pull clatter on the ground. I break out in a cold sweat as the soldiers reach the platform. I quickly thrust my hands out in front of me, hoping to buy some time.
"W-wait!" I stammer out. "You're messing with the wrong person here."
The soldiers look at each other, obviously not buying my act. One rolls his shoulders as he lowers his spear. Another raises a sword above his head. I close my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ziyuan...I love you," I whisper to myself. The soldiers charge at me, only to stop at midstep. One of them tries to say something, but it comes out a gurgle, as blood spills out of his mouth. I glance down to see swords impaling each of their stomachs from behind. Someone snaps their fingers, and the swords slide out. All the soldiers collapse to the ground.

"Zhong Hui!" I run and hug him. I can't help it. If it wasn't for him, I most surely would have been dead. He tenses up, but then hesitantly hugs me back. He scrutinizes me with his eyes, and pulls away.

"Are you hurt?" He asks. I shake my head. "Good. Then let's go. I'll keep an eye on you." And just like before, Zhong Hui runs and jumps off the platform, flying swords trailing behind him. I spot him on the battlefield, slicing away hordes of enemies.

"What if I choke up again?!" I shout to him. With a quick flick of the wrist, one of his swords slices an enemy officer's throat. "I suggest you don't," Zhong Hui shouts back up. And with that, I slowly begin to inch my way down the ladder, so I can complete what I came here to do.

By the time I've reached the ground, Master Zhong Hui has already cleared the area except for a few panicked soldiers running around. He waves his hand in a motion that says 'follow me.' I tighten my scarf, pull my hood lower on my eyes, and begin to walk.

"We are to capture that base, understand?"
Zhong Hui points his finger at a large building, both entrances guarded by Shu officers. I nod in response to his question. He twirls a lock of hair around his finger.
"Obviously we can't go in either of the ideal entrances, at the risk of being spotted," Zhong Hui ponders.
"Ah," he says, seeming to come to a solution. He starts at a quick sprint towards the base, me close on his heels.

He peers around the corner.
"What are you doing?" I hiss, hoping the guards don't hear us.
"Wait!" He hisses back.

Snap. Swoosh. Thud. Thud.

"We should be in the clear now," he says. "Quickly." Zhong Hui turns to the wall and makes quick thrusting movements with his hands. Each sword lands in the wall with a barely audible thunk. I have to admit, I have absolutely no clue what he is doing.
"Hurry, follow me." Zhong Hui begins using his swords as stairs, to climb up to the balcony of the base. I place a foot on the handle of a sword to test its weight. It seems to hold up fine, and I begin the ascent up Zhong Hui's makeshift stairs. 

I'm almost to the top, when the final sword begins to wobble uncertainly under my boot. It breaks away from the wall, and I can feel gravity pull me down. Zhong Hui reaches over the edge and swiftly grabs each of my arms. He hoists me over and I cringe at the loud noise the falling sword makes.

"My apologies Master Zhong Hui," I whisper. He doesn't respond, but his gaze hardens as he still looks over the wooden edge of the balcony. I peer over as well, and I can see a group of enemy soldiers had surrounded the sword.

"I can't summon it back without being spotted," he mutters. My leg brushes something sleek, and thin, and hence picking it up I realize it's a bow. Maybe a crate of arrows is lying around here somewhere.

"Aha!" I exclaim to myself. I grab a fistful of arrows, and crawl back to Zhong Hui. I nock my first arrow, and release, hitting a soldier in the head, instantly killing him.

"Where did that arrow come from?"
"It's raining arrows from the sky!"

The soldiers surrounding Zhong Hui's sword begin to panic. I nock a few more arrows and fire, hitting all the targets left. Zhong Hui summons his sword back to him.
"Nice thinking," he whispers to me as he prepares to jump into the base. I am ready to jump as well, but Zhong Hui pauses.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.
"You aren't going to like this," he says and points down below.
"Damn it," I mutter as I see who he is pointing to. Sima Shi and his untimely self, hacking away at the defenseless soldiers below.
AN: I don't know what to think of this chapter. What do you guys think? What do you wanna see in the next chapter? Thanks for all the love you guys give this!

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now