chapter five

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"I may be gone for a long while. Are you sure you're fine without me?" Sima Shi brushes wet hair out of his eyes. We're standing outside as Sima Shi prepares to leave for battle. He's right, at worst he'll be gone for a month. Hell, maybe he'd be gone for more. I had simmered down from the little issue I had weeks earlier finally, but I can't help feeling a little bitter as I watch my other half prepare for war once again. The rain is coming down in sheets, soaking my white, silk robe. I swallow.

"Yes my lord. I'll be fine." Shi takes my hand and intertwines our fingers.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive," I assure, smiling sadly. "Just, try to come back in one piece okay?" Sima Shi nods, and leaves, without even a goodbye.
"Are you sure you want to do this my lady? What if Master Sima Shi finds out...that surely won't end well for either of us..."
"I'm positive, Master Xiahou Ba. I'm sick and tired of standing on the sidelines."

I pull my arms through the tight sleeves of a dark cloak, and draw the hood over my head so it covers my eyes and the rest of my face is hidden in shadow. I wrap the soft, cream colored cloth that was once Sima Zhao's scarf around my neck.
"Besides," I remind Xiahou Yuan's son. "We're only in trouble if we get caught. That won't happen." I perform a childish twirl in my new attire.
"How do I look?" Master Xiahou Ba, palms his fist and bows.
"Very formidable, my lady." I sheath the two daggers that I had used when I sparred with Zhong Hui.
"It's probably best that we get going. Are you ready, Xiahou Ba?" I grin. He smiles nervously.
"As ready as I'll ever be," he mutters.

It's tedious, and tiring, taking the secret route to the battlefield. I had strictly informed Xiahou Ba that I cannot be seen at the allied main camp, for I would have been recognized almost immediately. Instead he proposed to travel to the battlefield, via an abandoned mountain path.
"Are you alright, my lady?" Xiahou Ba's voice chimes. "We could take a rest if you'd like? We still have plenty of time." I nod my head.
"Perhaps it is best that we preserve our energy," I agree. He takes no time in dropping to the ground and lays on his back to look at the sky. I do the same.

Gratefully, the rain has passed, but it had left the sky looking a pitiful gray. Strands of sunlight poke out from little openings in the clouds. The air smells like ozone and moist ground. Suddenly, Xiahou Ba sits up with a bolt, and gazes down the lonely mountain path.

"Master Ba? Are you alright? What is the issue?" Xiahou Ba quickly grasps his siege spear and takes a protective stance in front of me. "Footsteps," he says, and when I strain my ears, I can hear them too. I jump to my feet and unsheathe both daggers. I hold them close to my chest in a fighting position. The owner of the footsteps appears in view, as he turns the corner. My shoulders relax, but I don't drop my position.

"Ah, Master Xiahou Ba. Funny seeing you here," Zhong Hui smirks as he twirls a lock of hair around his finger. "And your lady friend...who is she...?" A gust of unruly wind, scatters leaves and throws back my hood, leaving my face vulnerable. Zhong Hui doesn't lose his smirk, but he does execute the customary bow.

"Greetings, my lady." Xiahou Ba looks shocked.
"Master Zhong Hui! I did not expect to see you here, I was just um..." Xiahou Ba falters, failing to come up with a decent lie. I take long strides and take Zhong Hui's hand in mine. I squeeze tightly and say, "Please Master Zhong Hui. Don't tell Sima Shi. I beg of you."
Zhong Hui seems to ponder this before admitting,"Well...since you're begging. I will help you, my lady."

I let go of the officer's hand and sigh.
"You should hurry back to the main camp Xiahou Ba," Zhong Hui advises. "They will soon be wondering where you've wandered off to." Xiahou Ba adjusts his grip on his siege spear.

"But what about you Master Zhong Hui?" The older male waves his hand dismissively.
"I have been assigned scout duty. They won't question if I'm gone for longer than planned. And if worse comes to worse, I can just rendezvous with them on the battlefield." Xiahou Ba looks at me once, blinks, and takes off running in the direction that Zhong Hui came from. Master Zhong Hui focuses his gaze on me.

"Shall we depart?"

Zhong Hui doesn't ask me why I'm here. In fact, he doesn't ask me anything at all, and I'm grateful for the silence. It gives me time to think. For a while we trudge among the dust and gravel in silence. I keep hearing deep rumbles.

We walk along a little farther and I'm astonished that we have not reached our destination yet. My legs and feet ache, but I feel it is best for me to hold in my complaints, especially with Zhong Hui around. I hear that deep rumble again.

"I'm not the only one who's hearing that rumbling noise, right?" I ask more myself than Zhong Hui. The same noise occurs again, but this time it is accompanied by loud thumps and the ground starts to shake.

"Look out!" Zhong Hui shouts. He runs and tackles me, just as a huge boulder comes tumbling down from a cliff just above us. I feel the wind knocked out of me as the boulder rolls itself off the narrow ledge. As I'm regaining my senses, I note that Zhong Hui is still laying on top of me. Although I am uncomfortable by our close proximity, I am grateful, because he just saved my life. He meets my gaze.

"Are you alright, my lady?" I sigh, and nod, still recovering from shock. "We should probably continue moving. It shouldn't be too far if we just keep continuing the path." He abruptly stands up and brushes himself off, before offering me a hand. I accept it, and he pulls me to my feet. We begin walking once more.

"Thank you," I tell him, as I brush gravel from my hair with my fingers.
"Think nothing of it," Zhong Hui responds and I note that his response is somewhat uncharacteristic of him.

Within moments we come to the edge of a cliff, that signals the end of the mountain path. There's a deck at the edge, that blends in with the dirt and rock, and a ladder that leads downward. As I angle my head to get a better look, I instantly regret it, as it's complete pandemonium down below. Zhong Hui, without hesitation, jumps down into the chaos.

It's a bloodbath. Bodies from both sides are strewn everywhere. There are other objects scattered amongst the field, ranging from scraps of clothing, to weapons and severed limbs. I begin to feel faint, as the carnage just begins to get worse, and worse.

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now