chapter nineteen

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Staying true to his word, Sima Shi does return soon. When he pulls open the sliding door, that venomous half smile is still present on his face. His grin grows wider when he sees me kneeling on the floor.

"See? I told you it wouldn't take long." As he says this, he plays with a metal key in his hands. Surely that is the key to the cuff around my ankle; I wonder if he plans on setting me free anytime soon.

"Your face is too easy to read, beloved," he admits. Shi drops elegantly to his knees in front of me, reaching a hand out to my face. Involuntarily, I flinch backwards. Sima Shi looks mildly offended for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing and the corner of his mouth twitching. But in less than a second, he resumes his normal composure.

"You shouldn't have a reason to fear me, my lovely (Y/N)." With that, he readjusts a wayward lock of my hair. I duck my head.

"Apologies, milord." He kisses the top of my head at my apology, then draws back to put the key in the lock. After a moment, the cuff pops open, and I immediately begin to rub my sore ankle. The skin around my ankle bone is purple and blue, and slowly starts to swell. Shi pouts as he looks at my ankle, seemingly sympathetic.

"I know just the thing that will cheer you up, beloved. I cleared aside time in my schedule just for you." My head snaps up curiously.

"And just what would that be milord?" I ask hesitantly. He stands up and opens a drawer in the dresser by the bed. He pulls out a casual robe and hands it to me.

"A bath, obviously. And as an added bonus: with me."

one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now