chapter eleven

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AN: So this entire chapter will be in Sima Shi's perspective because why not? Keep the love coming!


"How amazing Brother! Your form in battle lacks even a single flaw!" I roll my eyes at my little brother's praise as I continue to clear the battlefield of Shu soldiers.

"Pay close attention, Zhao," Jia Chong chimes in, catching one of his throwing axes as it spirals towards him. "You might learn something from Master Sima Shi." Sima Zhao scoffs and I laugh under my breath. In a few moments, the area around the three of us is cleared. I relax my arms and roll my shoulders back. A messenger comes sprinting towards me, my brother and Jia Chong before dropping to his knees.

"My lords! Word from Master Deng Ai has reported that the pincer attack is successful. But Jiang Wei and the others are still holed up in the castle."
Sima Zhao cradles his chin in thought.
"It appears that they won't let us in so easily...shall I ask Deng Ai to order the engineers to prepare to break down the gates?" Zhao asks me. I forget that he can be intelligent some times.
"Perhaps we should wait a little Zhao. Give our troops a chance to rest before we begin the siege," Jia Chong offers. I step in between the two.
"I believe both options are agreeable," I conclude. After they exchange glances I turn to the messenger, still kneeling on the ground.
"Tell Master Deng Ai to prepare to break down the castle gates, but not to hurry. The Shu resistance is crumbling." The messenger pounds his fist into his palm and quickly stands up, before taking off to report his message. Sima Zhao cocks out his hip and props up his sword on his shoulder.

"Looks like we have some time to spare..."
Jia Chong glares at Zhao.
"The castle is still a ways off. We should get going still." He whistles and his horse appears. As he sticks a boot in the stirrup I whistle for my horse as well. Zhao sighs.
"I guess I have to call for mine too..."

We ride in silence, occasionally picking off stray officers who don't know how to keep their mouth shut.

"Dear Brother?" Zhao begins to ask before I cut him off.

"Every time you start off a sentence with 'dear Brother' I know you're going to want something so, the answer is no." Zhao groans with exasperation.

"At least listen to what I have to say, Brother!"

Jia Chong who is riding on the other side of Sima Zhao offers: "What if it's something intelligent?" Zhao glares at him out of the corner of his eye.

"I'm going to fire you," he threatens. Jia Chong smirks before gazing off into the distance again. I twist the reigns around my fist before sighing in defeat. "Alright Zhao, this had better be good." He smiles and opens his mouth to speak.

"If this topic includes my wife then I don't want to hear it," I add in quickly before he can speak. Zhao is silent for a moment. Why is my wife such a popular topic now? Why can't we talk about less frustrating things like meatbuns or strategies?

"Just hear me out Shi; your wife-"

"Is not allowed to accompany me. End of discussion." Zhao yanks on the reigns of his horse, forcing him to stop. I halt my steed as well. Jia Chong shakes his head before stopping and turning to face my brother and I.

"She was allowed to fight in the army before she became your wife, was she not?" Zhao asks, arching an eyebrow at me. I roll my eyes. "Yes, Zhao. What is your point? Make it quick we have someplace to be soon."

"When you married her you basically usurped her freedom! Have you seen how well she fights? She's a good fighter isn't she, Gonglu?" Zhao turns to look at Jia Chong.

"Don't look at me like that Zhao." He continues to glare daggers into Jia Chong's skull. His resolve crumbles and he grimaces.

"Okay, fine. I'll admit your wife has asked me to spar with her on several occasions..."

"And?" I prod impatiently. He meets my gaze intently.

"She is quite skilled, my lord." I frown. Unfortunately, I too know how skilled my beloved is as well. I'm just...trying to keep her safe. I'd rather myself die than lose her to this forsaken war. But like as my brother has said, maybe I am usurping her freedom. Perhaps I should let her...

"My lord? All you alright?" Jia Chong inquires, snapping me out of thought.

"'ve been quiet for some time now, Brother."

Ah...I apologize for worrying you two. Let us resume travel. I don't want Master Deng Ai to be waiting on us." I kick the ribs of my horse, spurring it into action. Zhao and Jia Chong exchange worried glances before riding after me as well.


one battle wound too many // sima shi x readerWhere stories live. Discover now