Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Gathering

Okay, so you might be wondering what my plans are. Well, as you can tell, I don't like being in the royal family. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my parents. But, it's just too much responsibility, and the public is always watching. So, I'm going to run away into the forest in live on my own. And for all of you who just snickered right then and thought, what's a pretty little princess going to do in a forest? She won't even last 5 minutes! I can tell you 2 things about you. 1. You are an OBVIOUS idiot to think that about me and 2. I am rougher, and tougher than you may think. I'm not some princess who is afraid to get her hands dirty. Anyways... I'm also escaping the secret. The secret that I'm not supposed to be in the royal family. That's right. I was snatched away from my real parents and thrown into the Royal Dungeon for stealing some food. Then all of the sudden the Queen comes and looks at me. "I need a daughter to rule my kingdom when my husband and I are gone. But I cannot have children," she eyes me warily. You look strong and independent... yet fair," she tells me. After a pause she says, "Will you do your people the honor of pretending to be out princess and daughter?"

"And why would I do that?" I asked then only 4. "And how would they bewieve it?" (Sorry, I was poor. Food was more important than my pronunciation skills.)

"We merely say we kept you a secret from the public to protect your privacy. Or you could sit here and rot away for the rest of your miserable life," she threatens.

"Please," her eyes pleading.

The memory fades from my mind. I shake my head. I should not have said yes to that. I clear my mind and go to the kitchen.

"Emma?" I ask.

"Yes?" she responds.

" I know you're the head cook, and I could get you fired if you help me..."

"What do you want?" she sighs.

"Well, I was hoping you could get me a bag of food, a warm jacket, and a sleeping bag?" I ask.

"What for?" she counters.

I look at the floor. "I can't tell you," I whisper.

She sighs then says, "It'll be outside your door at midnight."

I squeal and hug her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She laughs then waves me off. I run back to my room and my mind is racing. I will be forever grateful to Emma. I have to get busy. Write letters, prepare myself, make everything seem normal. My "mother and father" would be upset. But unlike everything else in this kingdom, my life was not theirs to rule.

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