Chapter 10

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Cassia's POV ---

The Cabin is warm and cozy. It is made out of dark brown wood, it has a small, old-fashion fireplace, 2 rocking chairs, and a small bed made of hay in the corner. It wasn't much, but it was perfect for me.

"Are you hungry?" Jeff asks me.

"Kind of," I say.

He chuckles then tells me to sit down in a rocking chair. He goes to make us dinner.

His hands are fast, quick, and sure. I like that about him. The dinner he makes us (Chicken and Veggies) is delicious.

"Where do you find your food?" I ask.

"Well, the Veggies I grow myself. I have to catch the birds with my homemade bow and arrow. I also use snares to catch Rabbits and Squirrels."

"Wow," I breathe. I have never had to catch anything before. Everyone always made my food, and brought it to me. The thought of catching my own food was a new concept. But it was also what I left for. Independance. To live on my own. But I was just getting used to The Forest. So I think it's fine to have some help from Jeff, right?

It is late in the night and we are looking out his window at the stars.

"The stars have always fascinated me," he whispers. I'm not sure why, though.

"Maybe you'll be an Astronamer," I suggest.

"Naw. That's not my calling. I like living out here," he says.

"Do you ever want a family some day?" I blurt.

"Well... Of Course. But I love The Forest. And no girl is crazy about the idea of living here," he sighs.

"I am," I whisper.

"Yeah, right!" He snorts. "You'll be here a week and then you'll want to go back to your precious castle."

This cuts me deep and I turn away, avoiding his gaze. Jeff can tell I'm upset.

"Cass..." He trails.

Cass? Is that his nick-name for me? Was I even nick-name worthy? He's only known me for two hours.

"I'm so sorry. It's just, you're the first girl I've met who actually wants to be here," he blushes.

"It's fine. And of course I want to be here! Why do you think I left my "Precious Castle?" I retort, making air quotations with my hands around the words "Precious Castle."

Jeff laughs then says, "You're funny."

It's deep, deep in the night now and Jeff and I are laying on the hay bed together. I'm too exhausted to be annoyed about sharing a sleeping space with someone. Especially a man.

He yawns then says, "Good night, Princess. Sweet dreams."

He kisses my forehead lightly and a surge of happiness rushes throughout my body. I turn over, and let sleep envelope me.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! Comment, Vote, Like! You are the best. BTW, sorry I haven't been updating as much, my schedule is hectic right now! But, it's Summer soon (yay!) so that means I will have more time to write. Don't forget to check out my other book: Chasing Me.

Love you sooo much,


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