Chapter 2 : New Friends

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I began to hear voices and listened for a while. "I don't know i found her lying in the woods and she was impaled by a tree branch that was sticking out of the ground" a mans voice said. 
Impaled. Tree. Me. I thought and opened my eyes slowly. "Oh your awake" the male said, "We're am i?" I asked looking around to see my surroundings were animated. "your in a village" he said walking out.

I sat up and looked down to see that I wasn't wearing my shirt, instead I had a bandage around me with a blood spot on it located in the middle of my chest. I took a small moment to analyze my animated body and in the process removed the bandage and healed my wound. Meanwhile a young girl with brown eyes and black hair walked in and gasped seeing me heal, I turned and put the rest of my clothes on also putting my knives in my boots.

I stood up straight and crossed my arms looking into her brown eyes "Are you going to tell everyone?" I ask and watched her shake her head "no?" I say suprised, the child nodded and walked to a wooden stand and grabbed something, she walked up to me and put her hands out holding my sunglasses flat in the palms of her hands. I grabbed them and put them on and than kneeled down to her.

"What's your name?" I ask, "R-rin" she said in a quiet voice. I thought for awhile, thinking of how this child would prove useful, " you wanna be my friend?" i ask with a kind smile, she looked at me and smiled before quickly giving me a hug.

(The next day)

Rin showed me around the village and told me about her chores. I smiled and began helping her collect food for the village , there was a stream that cut through the village, it supplied everyone with fish and fresh water.

In the afternoon I noticed rin was starting to act weird, she was getting water and fish and was taking it into the woods. I try following her but soon lose track of where she went but soon saw her run out of a bush, Rin ran up to me and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the bushes continuisly telling me to come. I follow with a finger on my lips "shh" i tell her as she stopped and pointed.

Sesshomaru's P.O.V

That same girl is back again with a n-  My thoughts run dry as i see a older girl with H/C hair who had the most perfect curves. Soon she looks at me I feel a rush of excitment course violently through my veins. I clench my right fist and try to keep control over myself. I watched the girl bend down to the younger one and say something with a smile. Wow she has an amazing smile i thought to myself and watched her walk up to me, I looked at her S/T face.  (skin tone)

She put her hand on my left sholder and mumbled something, as she pulled away I felt a tingle in my left arm and when I looked down I seen that my left arm had grown back once again. I watched her as she walked away, I couldnt keep my eyes off her ass. she looked at the young child  "Come on rin its getting dark and besides if we don't get back soon the villagers will notice we're gone." she said. Her voice was so sweet, I watched the girls leave and I kept thinking about the older one, something about her hit me, she must be a demon I thought to myself and layed back to sleep.

A little note is that the sesshomaru in my story is both a evil powerful hateful demon,and a mad lover over you ;-) ;-)

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