Chapter 4 : Kidnapped By Naraku

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It's been three days since i've been here day one was when i met rin, day two was when i met Sesshomaru, and the third day was when i started traveling with him, today is my fourth day. I think to myself as i sat up from my nice sleep. I looked around and noticed i was the only one awake, Unoon lay peacfully asleep, rin was lying on my lap, and jaken was snuggled up next to unoon. No sesshomaru. I smile as i see a nice oppertunity. Time to get cooking. I picked up rin carefully and lay her down on unoon. Unoons heads sat up and looked at me about to stand. I quickly put my hand on the heads snouts "No no just stay im going to get breakfast." i say and watch him lay back down and began walking away. As i walk i came to a birds nest, i looked around for the mother who was no where to be seen and smiled, i placed my hand five inches above the eggs and breath, when i opened my eyes i saw that the four eggs that once sat there multiplied and so i grabbed three leaving an extra egg. As i began walking back i stopped and grabbed some fresh leaves, berries, and grass and made a salad for unoon. When i returned i got cooking and when i finished rin and jaken woke up and sesshomaru returned i served them all there food and they silently ate. "Thank you" i heard them all say and smiled "no problome" i said and felt rin cling onto my leg,"you should cook more!" she said in a happy voice "maybe i will " i said stroking the young childs head.

(a couple minuets later)

we were back on the road again and i was leading unoon. suddenly i felt a powerful aura and stopped, sesshomaru turned his head my way a bit and gripped his tokijin i gave the lead to jaken, i walked to sesshomaru's side and sensed a farmiliar source of power, it was tainted and i began to find it hard to breath i grasped tightly onto sesshomaru's kimono and he suprisingly looked at me. "Sesshomaru.i.cant.breath." i say before fainting. i felt a tight grasp around my waist and soon heard a deep voice that was surrounded by the aura and soon i blacked out. When i awoke i felt coldness on my body and slowly opened my eyes. i was laying in what appeared to be a cage hanging from a chain attached onto a ceiling, i seen a guy wearing a dark purple kimono with a black cardigan, he was looking into a mirror held by a little girl who was completely white (Sorry if you's think that sounds racist but it's true kanna is completely dressed in white) The man looked at me and walked towards me "Hello there, do you know who i am?" he asked, i shot him a glare "I dont know and i dont care" i said, "my, what do we have here,looks likes someone is desperate to die" he said and gave an evil laughter."SILENCE!!!" i shouted making the room we were in shake, which caused the chain to break. something inside the mans pocket began to glow it was circular and was glowing a blackish pink. "aww looks like your a keeper" he said lifting my chin. i was going to bite him "let Me GO!!!" i said and the bars of the cage melted. i quickly rolled out as the top callapsed and ran out as fast as my legs would go. I ran into a whole bunch of demons and i didnt have time to reach in my boots to grab my knifes. All the demons came at me but because i couldnt feel pain i ended up with a whole lot of deep scratches. I lay on the ground, a puddle of my blood formed around me, the loss of blood was causing my body to go into a deep paralysis and i stayed that way for a while then i heard a farmiliar voice "Y/N can you move" It was sesshomaru he was kneeling down next to me. He must have noticed i couldnt move because he gently put me over his sholder. i felt his furr rub against my face and i soon fell asleep. when i awoke i was on unoon and once again sesshomaru was gone but it was night. I looked down at rin "How long have i been out" i asked,she looked at me "seven hours" she said. my eyes widened Seven hours holy shit. i thought and waited for sesshomaru's return.

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