Chapter 13: A Piece Of Flaming "Ash"

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I woke up at 6:00 a.m and went down into the kitchen knowing that the chef would still be sleeping, I opened the fully stocked cupboards and grabbed out; Jam, peanut butter, bread, a butter knife, and two metal lunch boxes and different snacks. I made one peanut butter sandwich and one jam sandwich and put them into the separate lunch boxes, I sorted through the snacks and added those to the lunch boxes before closing them and putting them into two book bags.

Sesshomaru went to the kids' room and woke them up. "Ash get up now" Sesshomaru said. "I'm sick" Ash said, "Your not sick" Sesshomaru replied, "I have a temperature", "You don't have a temperature", " I'm not going", "Hurry up your going to be late".

They came downstairs and grabbed their book bags, "And you two better behave" I said watching them go. Sesshomaru stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me "Shall we get to it than?" he asked kissing my neck, I smirked "Yes we may" I replied and pulled him into our bedroom.

Mean while, Ash and Mizuki walked into the school, which was an outdoor school. Ash looked down at Mizuki and grabbed her chin so she was looking right at him, "Listen Mizuki, because we are different genders, we will be separated. But if anything bad happens I want you to call my name, scream my name, or even whistle if you don't have the voice. I will come to you and I'll protect you" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek before walking to his squad group. Mizuki watched him walk away surprised. She put her hand on her cheek and felt a smile form amongst her lips, she turned her head and went to her squad group.

Ash sat with the boys and relaxed, one of the boys who was a moth demon sat next to Ash and nudged his arm. Ash shot a despising glare at him and growled "What" he said in a surprisingly mean voice, "That your girlfriend or something?" he asked, "No she's my sister, why?" he asked back, "Because you kissed her, only lovers kiss, do you love her?" he asked in a teasy voice, "Yeah she's my sister, I'm allowed to love my family and if my enjoyment of them irritates or disturbs you than mind your business" he growled, "I was just curious jeez don't gotta get your fur in a bunch" he replied walking away.

Mizuki sat down at a table and stared at Ash with her super sighted view, then a half moth demon came up to her and tapped her "What are you doing here, this is our table" she said, Mizuki turned to the girl and scoffed "My father says that half demons like you are pathetic and are not to be trusted" she said, "You always do what daddy says" she asked, "No" Mizuki said standing up, "Bet you do, I bet your daddy's little girl" she said pushing Mizuki making her fall and slash her stomach on a jagged rock, she sniffled and began to cry while all the other girls laughed at her.

Ash listened and heard her crying, and used his speed to get to her, the half demon looked at him "Your not supposed to be on this side of the field, now go back to the mutt that created you" she said, Ash stood up and turned to the half demon, cracking his knuckles "First you hurt my sister, than you call my father Sesshomaru, the greatest dog demon lord alive, a mutt, both of those things are unforgivable and are worth a price, and you will atone with your punishment" he said slashing her stomach with his claws, the girls around screamed and ran away while the moth demon that spoke with Ash earlier pulled him back, "Why are you touching my sister" he growled and punched Ash in the face, Ash looked back at the moth, but his eyes were now red, he lifted his claws and slashed the moths eye before a teacher came and pulled Ash back. "Get off me" Ash growled throwing the teacher with his beam of light. He bent down to Mizuki who backed away from him frightened, "Please don"t be afraid me" he said picking her up, beginning to walk back to the mansion.

Meanwhile I sat on top of Sesshomaru and kissed his neck while he caressed my body, "The taste of you is paradise" he said licking his lips, I sat up as I heard a knock on the door "Umm...sorry to interrupt but there has been a bad incident with your children" a guard said, I put my hands and head on his chest and groaned. He brushed his hand through my hair "We better go see what happened" he said pulling out of me.

(2 Minuets Later)

"You slashed a half demons chest, you ripped out a demons eye, and you put one of the teachers in a coma.So what do you have to say?" I asked with my arms crossed, disappointment could be seen within my posture. "If they didn't hurt Mizuki in the first place, none of that would have happened" Ash said calmly showing no remorse over what he had done, "You started a battle that probably won't end" I scowled at him, "Then I'll deal with it. I understand your my mother and all, but you can rid away with all your safety issues" he said and went upstairs. I turned to Sesshomaru "Did you hear what he just said?" I asked surprised, "Yep he's got the attitude of a dog demon" he replied, "Hey! we are not encouraging this!" I snapped and than went to my office to call the school and apologise for the damage that Ash created.

Ash walked up to Mizuki's room and opened than shut the door, he walked over to her bed and sat down watching as Mizuki opened her eyes and looked up at him, "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Well I'm alive aren't I" she said with a sly smile. Ash put his wrist on her forehead "Your coming down with a fever" he said and put a damp cloth on her head, "You don't have to take care of me, I'm fine" she said, Ash smiled a bit, "Please. Just try to get some rest" he said kissing her nose before getting up and walking towards the door. "Wait........Can you stay with me, until I fall asleep?" she asked. Ash turned and smiled, "I'll stay as long as you want" he said and climbed in bed next to her, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered, "As long as your under my protection, nothing will ever harm you" he said. Mizuki felt happy tears stream down her face, "Thank you for choosing me to be your sister" she said. Ash smiled "I love you Mizuki" he said.

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