Chapter 5 : Saving Sesshomaru

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Rin,jaken and me have been waiting for sesshomaru's return but unfortunatly he hasn't come back it's already morning. "What's taking lord sesshomaru so long he should be back by now!" the impatient imp said with a annoyed expression. "Maybe he's in trouble" i said. "Nonsense. Lord sesshomaru is never in trouble and that is because everyone who comes across him always usually picks a fight and then ends up dead" he said. "Well maybe we should go look for him together, im sure i could track him down on my phone" i said taking my iphone6 out of my pocket and turned it on,i slid the screen to the right and then two pages left when i seen an app with a little yellow arrow that was labled G.P.S. I placed my right hand over the screen "Show me sesshomaru's location" i said and removed my hand to see a siler dot appear hight upon my screen. "alright this is what we're going to do, Jaken your going to conrol unoon,and rin your going to be with him to.Now i am going to stay onto the ground now just in case anything happens i will tell you to leave and you's musnt disobey that order unless you's want to lose your lives, now before we go is there any questions,no okay." I said not allowing them to speak and watched jaken and rin get on unoon, i grabbed a leaf and threw it to the ground watching it fall slowly "Tiger,Tiger,pale of white,eyes that burn,and claws that fight,Black of stripe,bat wings to fly,a fearsome predator,who's enemies shall die" i said and watched the leaf turn into a oversized white tiger with black stripes, huge bat-like wings,black eyes that released smoke,And razor sharp claws and teeth. The tiger turned to me and knelt down, I smiled and climbed on it's back and the tiger stood, i leaned foraward "Lets go Kinikoro" (Ken-Knee-Co-row)

i said and the tiger roared and began running at a massive speed of 5 miles a minuet. I looked back at Unoon who suprisingly kept up with me I looked back ahead to see a purifying barrier.Sesshomaru must be here im sure of it. i think to myself and raised my hand making the barrier turn into glass, i made my hand into a fist and watched the entire thing burts into glass shards.

Sesshomaru's P.O.V

I For the first time had been vitally injured in a fight and could barley move. Naraku had me chained to the wall in shackles. I was so weak i couldn't even find the strength inside myself to stand (im feeling bad i even made this happen :'( )

But suddenly i heard echoing screams from a distance as i listened closer i heard what sounded like the slashing of claws and blades. Then a huge Tiger busted through the wall with Y/N on its back, unoon,rin,and jaken too. Rin and jaken became suprised when they seen me. and Y/N slid off the tiger to come to me. She placed a warm hand on my cheek "Oh god what did they do to you...........xSIGHx.....Dont worry im going to get you out of here" she said her voice was so sweet. She put her arms around my upper back "Locks unclock" she said and the shackles released me. I dropped into her arms. "Y/N I-"."shhh.....You need to relax before you faint" she said placing me on her tigers back. Then i heard a laughter from a distance "You didn't think i was actually going to let you leave without a fight did you"naraku said approching from the darkness. Y/N growled and lifted her tigers chin "Follow unoon kinikoro" she said and ran at naraku.Soon enough i fell asleep.

Y/N's P.O.V

I Soon came back to the group Jaken had went with unoon to find food and rin stayed with sleeping sesshomaru. I looked at sesshomaru God damb he's hot when he sleeps, minus the fact that he has very deep cuts and is badly injured. i thought and sat next to him, I began taking off his armor and his top kimono revealing his 10pack Damb i thought and looked at his wounds, he still had his beautiful eyes closed. I noticed something as i looked at a cut,it had a black liquid in it.poison. I told rin to fetch me some herbs in a bottle that had a watery liquid and watched her run off. I knew i had to do something about that poison and i had an idea. I licked my top set of teeth making sharp fangs appear, i leaned close to sesshomaru's ear "This might hurt" i told him and shuved my fands into a cut and heard him let out a growl of pain. After i had finished taking out the poison from each cut i realised sesshomaru had been in more pain then earlier today. Just as i made the fangs dissapear rin came back with the herbs sitting in the liquid. i grabbed the bottle and shook it for a while until the herbs became a liquid substance. I put the liquid into my mouth and placed my lips on sesshomaru's and let the liquid slip through my lips and into his mouth. I pulled away and watched all the wounds heal and sat back handing him his armor and kimono. He sat up and grabbed his stuff putting it all on. Then jaken came back with fish,freash leaves,and a dead turkey. as we were served our food i tossed the turkey out in a clearing and snapped my fingers making the turkey grow 2 x bigger than kinikoro. Then kinikoro looked at me wagging her tail impatiently "dig in" i said and watched kinikoro devour the turkey in an instant. I lie down on the ground and smiled,this world was so great.

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