Chapter 6 : The Death Of Naraku And the advice from the Shekon Jewl

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Today is the seventh day for me in the fudal era and today i have something i want to do. i walked up behind sesshomaru and put my hand on his sholder. he grabbed tokijin and growled but when he seen it was me he silenced. i laughed "a bit jumpy are know you look good...... i mean now that your healed and all" i said quickly trying not to sound weird. i began walking and sesshomaru followed me. "its just that im still thinking about what happened yesterday....and at the moment i feel so frustrated and just wanna". "Kill naraku" we both said and look at eachother before laughing. As i laughed i listened to sesshomaru's laughter, it was hot. then we began walking in silence but when we got to a hill we both tumbled and rolled all the way down the hill. I let out an oof as i finally stopped but then sesshomaru landed right ontop of me and inbetween my legs. we tried to stand but because it was so early in the morning, the grass was wet and we both slipped only this time he fell first and i landed right where his V line would be. i growled and snapped my fingers making us teleport to a clear spot with no hill. "Well then how about you go search for naraku's new location than we can kill him " i suggested with a smile. "ay then" he replied walking away. As i headed back i heard jaken tell rin that sesshomaru will have an empire but by the time the empire was built she'd be long gone and gave me an idea "Say......jaken. what if i built an empire for sesshomaru early that way rin could be around while she still can" i told him and kinikoro purred in agreement. And before anyone could state there opinions i took off looking for the perfect area until i found it...... a quiet forest. i looked at kinikoro and nodded then covered my ears. kinikoro lifted up her head and opened her mouth a bit and when she put her head down she let out a roar that released huge sound waves that took down 123 trees leaving a nice clear area. I smiled and got busy working on it

(Im not ganna give you all the details just picture it as a quarts empire with fountains and beautiful gardens and for the inside just use your imagination)

Afterwords i showed them all the empire and they were all suprised."Ooh!" i said and grabbed sesshomaru's hand pulling him up the stairs and to a silver door outlined in gold. "This is your room" i said opening the door to show a huge master bedroom with a queen size bed thats blanket was made up of furr much like sesshomaru's. there was a huge desk with sword holders, an in built bathroom, and a belcony that showed the entire area. "The walls are white and red. The white symbolizes purity,and the red symbolizes courage." i said. Sesshomaru looked at me "thank you for this" he said. I nodded "oh yeah and i found out where naraku is" he said. i smiled "well than lets kick some ass" i said.

(i don't have much ideas for the killing of naraku because he kinda destroyed himself in the series so ill just skip it to get back on track

:-) )

After me and sesshomaru defeated naraku we got seperated, as i stood in the fogged battle ground i noticed something in the corner of my eye. i walked towards this strange object and picked it up, the colour turned from a blackish pink to a bright pink. I looked at it confused I felt like i'd seen this whole thing before. I sat on a little rock that i seen and studied the jewl thinking of a time i might have seen it than i had a flashback.

"Mommy what is it? Can i see please?" i said, i was 6 and was jumping up and down. a woman who had the same hair colour as me turned around and smiled "of course my sweet child" she said handing me the jewl. I looked down on it and smiled like i just got a gift from a god "It's so pretty" i said and watched it glow than i came back from my thoughts.

"Ah so you do remember me than" a voice said it was coming from the jewl. "so what.....state your businuess", "Businuess?". "what do you want? you never talk to anyone else so why are you talking to me?", "Thats easy i wanted to tell you that you only have three days left."

(im sorry if you find this a short story like i said before this is the very first story im posting in my entire life and that is because im much better at writing than typing but i will continue making stories because i like to write/type stories to please people.I kinda decided to write my first one about Inuyasha because it captured my attention and there are alot of fans so ummmm im ganna start chapter 7 now. peace out my little readers P.S This story is rated PG-13 i just forgot to add that on my thingy it's rated PG-13 because mmmmm actually figure it out i can't spoil it but you'll find out eventually <3 )

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