Chapter 12 : Little devils

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"Because both of our children are immortals, they grow very quickly. In fact they already run and talk" Sesshomaru said resting his hands on my shoulders, I sighed "I know but I don't understand, why is it humans make parenting look so easy?" I asked then turned my gaze to Mizuki who was holding a marshmallow on a stick over Ash's flaming hair.

"Mizuki, Stop Roasting Marshmallows On Your Brothers Head!" I scowled and used my abilities to put out the flame on Ash's head, "Ash my boy, why don't you go hunting and practice using your demon powers" Sesshomaru suggested. Ash stared at the gravel beside him with a bored expression "What's the point, I never find a big enough opponent anyway" he said in a miserable voice before walking into the garden.

I turned and punched Sesshomaru in the chest "See? miserable, just like you" I said and crossed my arms, "Babe" Sesshomaru said grabbing my chin, I pushed him into the fountain and watched as his kimono became soaked, "Be sure to dry off before you come in, nothing smells worse than wet dog" I said grouchily and walked back inside the mansion, I walked to my office and sat down, I looked at a paper in front of me and signed registration forms to put the kids into an immortal school. I signed the papers and went to my bird cage on my window. I opened the cage and grabbed out my phoenix, I put the letter in it's claws and let it out the window. releasing a deep sigh, I went to my room where I collapsed on my bed, "Oh bed how I missed you" I said happily and twirled in the F/C fur blanket getting comfortable.

I felt pressure on the bed and I rolled onto my back to see a shirtless Sesshomaru, he planted a wet kiss on my neck and growled. "Did someone feed you peanut butter, or are you just happy to see me?" I asked, I felt him smirk against my neck and he sat up, he pulled my legs down so I was closer to him and he wrapped my legs around his waist beginning to kiss my collar bone. "No baby, we can't" I said pushing his face away from me. "But why?" he said giving me sweet puppy eyes, "Because your going to pleasure me too much, and the kids will hear me moaning becoming filled with curiosity, which from there will make them barge in, and then we both end up having to explain what we were doing. At least wait till tomorrow" I said and kissed him. "Fine" he said and lied down next to me, "But tomorrow........I'm making the first move" I whispered and smirked. "We'll have to wait and see my love, but either promises" he growled as he smirked back.

Mean while Ash was sitting on his balcony staring at the stars with an amused look, "Hey bro bro, watcha doin" Mizuki said climing on the balcony rail with him. "I'm watching the stars, their pretty fascinating" he replied and watched as the stars danced and twinkled. Mizuki leaned against Ash's shoulder and closed her eyes "They're making me sleepy" she said her eyes fluttering as she struggled to stay awake before drifting off into a peaceful sleep, Ash looked at Mizuki and smiled wrapping his kimono around her "Don't worry Mizuki, even though you are mean to me, you will always be my sister, and to the sky I make a promise. That I. Ash. Will never let anything hurt you" he said and watched as Mizuki smiled in her sleep.

(Although Ash is a dog demon, It has always been clear, that every dog demon has a softspot)

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