Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Ella.

She lives with her mother and father in a small house in London, England

Ella was playing in the backyard till her father was sneaking to her and grabbed her and said "gotcha", Ella laughed.

Then her mother came out of the house holding a birthday cake cause it was Ella's 10th birthday.

"Happy birthday Ella dear, now quickly blow the candles before the wind does" said Ella's mother when she put the cake on the table

"Well make a wish first" said Ella's father

Ella closed her eyes to make a wish and she blows her candles

At night Ella in her room, was watching The X Factor and her favourite contestant is One Direction and she's hoping that they'll win

Her parents came in and her mother "Ella it's time to go to bed" she turn off the tv and Ella said "but I don't know that One Direction made it to the next round of the live show or not"

Ella's mother giggles and said "well you'll watch it tomorrow"

Ella's parents sat next to Ella on the bed and Ella said "do you guys think I will meet them one day"

Ella's father said "well maybe you can if you believe in yourself"

Then Ella's mother said "and when you believe it, it'll come true"

Then Ella fell asleep and her parents left her room and close the door

Then a tragedy happened

Ella woke up and hearing her mother and father screaming, she got up and about to open her door but the doorknob was really hot and she realized that her house was on fire.

She screamed "MOM, DAD"

She heard her mother tried to tell her to get out of the house, when Ella back up then the fire came to her door and she screamed

She opened the window and got out of the window and ran away

For a while later she went back to her house that really got burned, when she got in the house it was all burned and then she saw her parents lying down

And then she realized that both of her parents just died

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